Who's got the best job in the world? That's right. Jamie's got the best job in the world. Who else could hook a brother up with second row seats for ZZ Top at the last minute. Yup, you read that right...second freakin' row.

So how was the concert? Simply put, it was awesome. It's easy to see why these guys are music legends. Old Billy can play guitar, that's for sure. I like that they strayed from their classic hits and played some cool old school blues/rock you wouldn't expect. It was great to hear them play Hendrix' "Hey Joe", especially considering they were friends with Hendrix back in the day. They still played most of their hits but in a more relaxed blues/rock way than cleaned up radio/pop versions on their albums. Hearing it live, you can hear the artistry and genuine talent behind the hits. After all, this is one of the legendary blues/rock bands of my generation. I feel rather privileged to be able to hear their music as they want to play it.
Equipment wise, it sounded great. I was quite near a bass bin but that didn't have the deafening effect I thought it might. Everything sounded pretty darned good from my seat. The equipment is certainly capable of packing a whollop. The opening act, Wide Mouth Mason, used the bass to much more effect. It was more of an impact than sound. That was bass that could stop your natural heartbeat and substitute a rhythm of it's own. To ZZ's credit, they had a more balanced mix that didn't overpower or try to impress with bass. It was more about the music sounding as it was intended than a sheer force approach. My wife wants it known on this site that her ears were not ringing when she left the concert, which she feels is an indication that the sound was clean and undistorted, an indication of high quality sound. I'm going to give Jamie full credit for the high quality sound and the great mix that allowed the musicians to present their best performance.
It was nice to have a genuine Audioholic right here in town...and a bona fide boring thread regular to boot.

Plus, I think I just found someone who is more laid back and relaxed than I am.
And to Jamie personally, many many thanks. I am humbly in your debt.