I think it would be safe to assume then, based on these replies, that the biggest beef that anybody has with me is that I tried to get a contract to produce subwoofer amplifiers? If that's the case, let me be even more transparent. If it turns out that I'm just another of life's complete idiots, then so be it and everybody can just move along without needing to continue to insult me.
I focus pretty heavily on my engineering work. That's what I do. That and my family. I'm by NO MEANS a "business-person." So in my small and apparently wrong view of the world, I see AV123 as a business, and MLS as an individual. If that's not the case, then why is AV123 not included in all this legal goings-on? As such, I see AV123 as being able to survive this storm and get back to making the fine products they did six years ago (when I bought my Rockets from them). That is the reason I continued to pursue the subwoofer plate amplifier issue-- I saw AV123 as a company that could stand on its own and still has a future of providing a good bang/buck ratio. Does that make me an idiot? Maybe. At the time I didn't think so. And I certainly didn't think it would turn into as big a situation as it has.
Of course I saw some of the threads of people being upset with delays and the growing number of threads that reported raffle misgivings. Of course they were disturbing (and still are). It wasn't MLS that I PM'd for "the truth" and was shut out, it was the subjects in the raffle-questions threads. Dxxxx and others. I saw what people were posting, a whole lot of it. I don't think I posted much in those threads though (that I recall). Honestly I've never gone back to re-read them, and until reading here yesterday I had no idea that some 15,000 posts have been deleted since then. That's even more bothersome, I agree.
What did I
know then, beyond a shadow of a doubt? -- I knew there were a whole lot of forum folks starting to pool their stories about lack of refunds, products, and problems with raffles. I was (and still am) under the impression that all of those issues were related to sales and dealings with MLS himself (or through the Graham Company), and not AV123. In my version of the business world I saw AV123 and the individual MLS as two separable things. Maybe I was wrong in doing so. But anyway, I continued with the impression that dealing with AV123 (Suzanne, Kyle, etc) about a potential supplier opportunity was isolated enough from MLS's personal problems. I also thought that with the growing legal threat (at the time) that everything would be resolved pretty quickly. I know many times that a legal threat gets things rolling and then things are settled out of court. That obviously hasn't happened yet though.
So there you have it. Maybe I'm just a complete idiot. I thought dealing with Suzanne at AV123 to try and help AV123
the company get back to making reliable products could be done without involving MLS.
The truth was already out there at this point. You knew it. I knew it and I wasn't anywhere near as close to the situation as you. Did you just not care because it wasn't you who got screwed?
What makes you think I was "closer" to the situation? I didn't know anything more than anyone else was reading on the forums. I was under the impression that MLS took out a loan against a house in the SFBay area that went to him after the passing of a family member, and when that house didn't sell as quickly as it was supposed to, his financial problems became worse.
Please don't make assumptions about my motives. I've tried to state them here openly. Maybe I'm an idiot for thinking AV123 could get back to making solid products and leave MLS to deal with his issues. (I haven't spoken to MLS in many months now)
It wasn't that I "didn't care," those are some harsh words. I was separating AV123 and MLS. Right or wrong, that's what I was doing.
You must have seen posts either linking/quoting on other forums or reading directly on the AV123.gone forum regarding MLS himself admitting to "underfunding" a few raffles (at that time period). Anyone remotely following this saga knew about that. That is a very serious admission IMO and showed me his is a suspect character, poor business man and has a lack of credibility to start any type of business relationship with. A time period well before (months even) the indictment was handed down by the state of Colorado. That type of admission was not "grumblings" and should have waved a really big red flag about pursuing anything with AV123.
Thank you for maintaining civility here. I don't recall when the 'underfunding' admission came about, but yes, I read it within a week or so of it making headlines. I actually read it on another forum, not av123's. (just because I have plenty of posts there does NOT mean I read every thread!) No, I wasn't following those issues extremely closely because 1) I was not involved, and 2) as Darren said, it was against what I had believed of MLS from the times I had spoken and met him, (difficult to reconcile) and 3) I read it in passing as a business situation in regards to the SFBay house (above) that would be resolved.
Guys, all I'm trying to do is show that I'm not some hoodlum in cahoots. I may have made some bad choices myself in the past-- who doesn't? At this point I'm just sitting by reading what's going on, thinking this was the best place to get such information. The company I work for has no bearing on any of this..
I'm letting everyone know my thought processes, as well as what I did and did not know then and now. And what things I honestly thought would be resolved long before now.
Maybe I was just "taken in" much more than the next guy because of my incessant positive attitude.
What more do I need to say?