Where did I specify they must serve in the military. There are other service areas they could serve. IIRC, the WPA did many good things such as the TVA, Hoover Dam, etc, etc... There are other projects that could be undertaken by a modern work corps and, with the dwindling job situation, it could provide some income for them. And, doctors and dentists could serve in poorer areas of this country or the elderly.
Now Arthur, I'm done with you. If you want continue to turn this thread into a pithing contest, at least show enough respect to those who served by starting your own thread instead of hijacking this one.
so now they go into government funded public works projects?
who pays? doctors/dentists/etc. must work for a rate determined by the government, not the market? don't they already serve who ever need help? wouldn't that be REAL socialized healthcare?
and what about all the soon to be unemployed that will pop up because all the highway and public work project jobs are taken by this mass conscription? there are 1.5 milcollege grads alone each year...
OK so EVERYONE who grads HS goes into public service to earn the right to vote? who fills the private sector work force? the colleges? the professions?
hopefully not the side you advocate for, socialism, everything you proffer is pretty much un-american...
I was with the All-Americans AA and 1st/75th INF (Ranger)
in what unit did you serve? do you vote?
...then again I swore an oath to defend against 'enemies both foreign and domestic'...

which are you?
btw: it was you who derailed the thread with absurdities...
you're 'done with me', lol, you never started with me