DO NOT BUY anything from AV123

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I think your post on the quality issues is barely applicable to pre-2007 speakers. There were some issues with some Rockets, but there are always issues with natural products like real wood veneers. The incidences of cracking and popping and whatever else were fairly rare and were quickly resolved which is exactly what you would expect. 100% elimination of veneer issues can only be expected at much higher price points where they can afford to be more selective in their materials and can afford to spend much more on QC checks prior to hand off to the end customer.

I have seen a number of pre-2007 rocket crossovers, and I think the quality of components used was good for the pricepoint and I never saw an issue with incorrect components or miss wiring on the boards themselves. If you were familiar with the crossovers you would understand why that would be extremely unlikely.

The issue with he crossovers was one of design. Funny you should bring up **** Pierce, when in my opinion, he is the one responsible for the crossover issues on the early rockets and the reason for the need for upgrades (if we believe he was the one who designed them). The 750 and 550 crossovers asked the woofers to play too high among other things, and the original 850 was a sonic disaster. This had nothing to do with components used or wiring mistakes, it had 100% to do with topology mistakes.

IMHO the 750 was a well built speaker with a bad XO design. Once the crossovers were upgraded to Ninja versions following Danny Richie's topology, they sounded very good for their price level and I think they also looked good for their price level. These speakers and the 850 sigs that followed WERE a good deal. Like the initial LS-6 they delivered a great experience for the money spent, and what came later does not in any way impact the sound or appearance of these speakers.

As for Cali and Uniaudio, they made some decent stuff too, until the veneer went on. I have 5 Cali made X series speakers and all have veneer issues, but they were also all sold as B stock because of it. For their sub $200 price tags these things sounded great, especially the Encore series. I challenge you to find a speaker that looks better or sounds better than my X-MTM Encores for $180 or less. Even as B-stocks with veneer flaws (minor in this case) they look better than anything else in their class. My X-sls look much worse, and much of the veneer cracking occurred well after I received them, so it was clearly in large part due to the quality of the material and not the skill of the factory doing the application. I would be pretty upset if I paid full price, but these were sold as B- stock (B minus as in worse than what would be considered B stock) with a price to match. They could have come in raw MDF for the price I paid and they would have been a good deal. Seriously, you would have a hard time buying a set of unfinished boxes, drivers and crossover components and assembling a equivalent speaker for what they were charging.

The owner was rotten to the core from day one, and they may be white van quality now, but they did sell some decent speakers at good prices for many years. The reputation was not just a myth even if it was built on theft and lies.


This forum will not let you type D!ck Pierce? It is a common name, lighten up with the prude censorship a little.


A great post with great points. All my AV123 gear is from 2007 and before.

My Rockets and UFW-10 are solid as rocks. The products from that era were definitely good. Just because the founder turned out to be a rotten apple doesn't mean the early speakers weren't good. I see no reason to get read of my speaks yet, but I will never buy again from AV123.

Also, like DOJ, the whole experience with the forum thing has put me pretty much off audio fora and I honestly haven't found a new audio forum home yet. Too bad, because I see myself as still needing to learn a lot. Good to see some of the old group posting here.

The posts by Jed and DOJ reminds me of how good a value so many of the products from AV123 were. This is in no way a defense of MLS or the company but I see a lot of Monday morning quarterbacking from people who weren't involved in the early days and can't believe anyone would buy into the BS. The truth is they had some very good quality products and very good price points. I know people will say that is because they were ripping suppliers off but no one back then knew this. Others will say if it looks to good to be true... but they managed to ship these products for a long time and kept the quality up.

The down fall was their electronics (just about all were failures from sub amps to R-DES and the EMO Pre/Pro) and the move from Chinese (SAC to be precise) exclusive products to Columbia and other Chinese factories. I personally saw the company start to slip during the nasty EMO intro both gonk and myself along with others asked some very difficult questions over there which I'm sure made them uncomfortable.

Now for my own examples. I have owned close to thirty AV123 products. With the exception of the MFWs I believe they are all SAC products. In all that time I've had two what I would call minor issues. A crossover in one of my RS1000s came loose during shipment and one of of the MFWs had a slight hum which I corrected by rerouting the internal cabling... they sent a replacement amp that is still in the box unused.

No cracked veneers.
Six working sub amps. (2ea RS1Ks, Minis, and MFWs)
No driver issues. (I did a quick count in my head but gave up tabulating when I got to 76)
In short SAC built some incredible products. To be fair the MFW is also a very nicely designed subwoofer and if you got in the early batch even the amps appear to be OK.

In my reading of late I've been struck that the company is some how still forging forward. I don't know whether sending out replacement amps after all the issues is ludicrous or good customer service. One thing I do know is if it hadn't been for the raffles and supplier issues coming to light I'm pretty sure there would be lots of folks touting the great AV123 support now instead of watching the surreal circus that it has now become.

Again this is in no way a defense of the company but rather an explanation has to how so many drank the Kool Aide without a second thought.


Audioholic Intern
I wonder if switching from No-Rez to asphalt based material was also designed to get you closer to the music?
This certainly irritates me, but then I realize that back when I paid for them (12/06), No-Rez wasn't included in the price. That, and a lot of other stuff got added after RMAF (I forget the year). I *think* they already had the cross-overs when they started cost cutting, so the ones I have are probably still the step-up that he promised.

I'd like to see that list again, but since MLS deleted all his postings...

Frankly, I hate the position he put me in. (and I'm one of the lucky ones: I eventually got what he owed me) I have 2 pairs of ELT towers, and one pair of LS-9s, and I absolutely love them... and yet I despise the man behind the company I bought them from, and can't recommend the company for anything more than an example of what NOT to do.


I'll echo the others here. I have ~2007 Rockets, 760/450/250/200 and they're perfect, not a nail pop or problem. My PB UFW12 is a flawless cabinet and end table until Kevin can upgrade it. Then it'll be an awesome sub too.
My PBEM LS6's were first run and also as advertised, without a veneer flaw. I intentionally stayed away from the Uniaudio gear and electronics and glad I did.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai

I think your post on the quality issues is barely applicable to pre-2007 speakers. There were some issues with some Rockets, but there are always issues with natural products like real wood veneers. The incidences of cracking and popping and whatever else were fairly rare and were quickly resolved which is exactly what you would expect. 100% elimination of veneer issues can only be expected at much higher price points where they can afford to be more selective in their materials and can afford to spend much more on QC checks prior to hand off to the end customer.
I agree that matters got worse with time but from conversations with former employees, they weren't unknown.

I have seen a number of pre-2007 rocket crossovers, and I think the quality of components used was good for the pricepoint and I never saw an issue with incorrect components or miss wiring on the boards themselves. If you were familiar with the crossovers you would understand why that would be extremely unlikely.
It shouldn''t have happened at all.

The issue with he crossovers was one of design. Funny you should bring up **** Pierce, when in my opinion, he is the one responsible for the crossover issues on the early rockets and the reason for the need for upgrades (if we believe he was the one who designed them). The 750 and 550 crossovers asked the woofers to play too high among other things, and the original 850 was a sonic disaster. This had nothing to do with components used or wiring mistakes, it had 100% to do with topology mistakes.
It was MLS who came up with the basic cosmetic design and overall dimensions (influenced in no small part from Swan), a pricepoint he wanted to hit, all of which dictated the sorts of drivers that would be necessary. With MLS, it wasn't form follow function but the other way. The crossover was complex/unusual but there were parts issues from the get go. It's kind of moot nowadays since it's unlikely they'll ever come up with replacement parts.

IMHO the 750 was a well built speaker with a bad XO design. Once the crossovers were upgraded to Ninja versions following Danny Richie's topology, they sounded very good for their price level and I think they also looked good for their price level. These speakers and the 850 sigs that followed WERE a good deal. Like the initial LS-6 they delivered a great experience for the money spent, and what came later does not in any way impact the sound or appearance of these speakers.
That may be but consider an alternate explanation. A total rework of the crossovers can mask a deficiency in the original Chinese sourced parts and create the illusion that it's the topology differences that are a reason for improvements. While DR was kept on board for a long time (maybe he even still is in some capacity), Pierce was dumped not long after doing the initial work.

I once got into it a bit with DR and he blurted out that the parts used in the original DP crossovers were crap. Needless to say, MLS interjected himself quickly and no more was said about this. DP isn't going to spec garbage parts (neither will DR) so if you're getting the wrong stuff then the finger points to the vendor and of course Longmont which did not have any kind of QC program in place.

I once asked MLS if he could provide comprehensive graphs of the Rockets with their original DP crossover and the DR crossover. Months passed and I finally got an email. What I got for a reply was FR graphs done on two different speakers by two different people using different equipment. WTF? When I asked if I could see the same speaker measured by the same person with pre and post crossovers, they didn't exist. Matt, there was funny stuff going on there I tell you.

As for Cali and Uniaudio, they made some decent stuff too, until the veneer went on. I have 5 Cali made X series speakers and all have veneer issues, but they were also all sold as B stock because of it. For their sub $200 price tags these things sounded great, especially the Encore series. I challenge you to find a speaker that looks better or sounds better than my X-MTM Encores for $180 or less. Even as B-stocks with veneer flaws (minor in this case) they look better than anything else in their class. My X-sls look much worse, and much of the veneer cracking occurred well after I received them, so it was clearly in large part due to the quality of the material and not the skill of the factory doing the application. I would be pretty upset if I paid full price, but these were sold as B- stock (B minus as in worse than what would be considered B stock) with a price to match. They could have come in raw MDF for the price I paid and they would have been a good deal. Seriously, you would have a hard time buying a set of unfinished boxes, drivers and crossover components and assembling a equivalent speaker for what they were charging.
Do you know how they put the veneer on over there? They used phucking steam irons like you iron your shirts with! There was no control of temperature, time, pressure, duration. That would've taken money and equipment. Cali was a complete and total cluster-phuck. I've heard the babes were nice though.

The owner was rotten to the core from day one, and they may be white van quality now, but they did sell some decent speakers at good prices for many years. The reputation was not just a myth even if it was built on theft and lies.
I too think they started out pretty good and with a good QC program in place and a desire to keep improving, problems couldn've been both avoided and minimized with time. In the end, MLS turned out to be the biggest douche in the audiophile universe.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
This certainly irritates me, but then I realize that back when I paid for them (12/06), No-Rez wasn't included in the price. That, and a lot of other stuff got added after RMAF (I forget the year). I *think* they already had the cross-overs when they started cost cutting, so the ones I have are probably still the step-up that he promised.

I'd like to see that list again, but since MLS deleted all his postings...

Frankly, I hate the position he put me in. (and I'm one of the lucky ones: I eventually got what he owed me) I have 2 pairs of ELT towers, and one pair of LS-9s, and I absolutely love them... and yet I despise the man behind the company I bought them from, and can't recommend the company for anything more than an example of what NOT to do.
I have that list somewhere. Wish me luck in finding it.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
This certainly irritates me, but then I realize that back when I paid for them (12/06), No-Rez wasn't included in the price. That, and a lot of other stuff got added after RMAF (I forget the year). I *think* they already had the cross-overs when they started cost cutting, so the ones I have are probably still the step-up that he promised.

I'd like to see that list again, but since MLS deleted all his postings...

Frankly, I hate the position he put me in. (and I'm one of the lucky ones: I eventually got what he owed me) I have 2 pairs of ELT towers, and one pair of LS-9s, and I absolutely love them... and yet I despise the man behind the company I bought them from, and can't recommend the company for anything more than an example of what NOT to do.
Maybe the following is what you were looking for? It was a post by MLS on 11/29/07 that had to do with LS's.
Greetings All…

This is part two of the LS Update – and I’m going to put this in the most condensed form I can. I’m going to apologize in advance for any “marketing style stuff” that might offend – but frankly a great deal of thought and “extras” have been a part of this entire process…

With each upgrade I’m going to say a few words – OK

Super Premium MDF

In each case (China and Columbia) I have authorized the use of a Super Premium MDF that will make a very significant difference in the cabinet construction and overall performance. This is actually quite important (and expensive).

Plexiglas Name Plates

You’ll love our new Plexiglas nameplates on the back of the speakers. They are really nifty – reverse screened, and in my opinion --- sexy.

Sonicap Upgrade

Danny has ordered that we install Sonicaps in all musical signal paths of the crossover. This adds 4 more of these fellows. I know there is a lot of controversy about the “sound” of capacitors – but I will only say this – Sonicaps are really a wonderful add-on. They are ridiculously expensive by the virtue of their construction – and IMHO they do add to the overall design.

UPOCC Wiring

All of these LS’s will be wired by UPOCC cabling. This is a special variant of a wire that’s “Continuous Cast – Single Crystal Construction” – Big step up again, and one where I do believe a benefit can be had with this design.

Upgraded Binding Posts

YEP… we’re going for it. These are the mega-expensive Solid Copper – Custom Built jobs that all the big names use. This is another one of those upgrades where many might argue the benefit – but in the end we feel that these additions help us put our very best foot forward.

Upgraded Dampening Materials

We will be using our own version of a Wall Dampener – Resonance Controller that is frankly OFF THE HOOK wonderful. Premium dampening materials only in this area. I honestly believe that this makes an enormous difference in the overall sound. I’m excited about this one…

Special Solder

Just a short note to let everyone know that we will be using the very nice ONIX Solder in the construction of these beauties. Again, a small detail – but one that I’m proud enough to talk about.

Mills Resistor Upgrade

Danny has ordered that one very important resistor (the shunt in the woofer section) be upgraded to a Mills Variety resistor. So ordered – and now done.

Remember The Door ~ aka Mr. Bass Management

Please note that there is this nifty door down at the bottom of your speakers that will allow you to easily (and effectively) change the bass response of your LS Series Loudspeakers. The original contemplated removing a woofer and changing the jumpers manually with the speaker “open” and “in surgery”. This upgrade makes me smile.

Assembled in Colorado

There will be a special team brought in to do the assembly of these in our factory in Longmont, Colorado. Lynn Schifter will be heading this up (herself) and any of you that have worked with Lynn know that she is ULTRA-hard to please and as demanding as I am about quality. Nothing will leave Longmont, CO without everything being absolutely perfect.

A quick last note…

Danny has decided that we will not be using Foil Type Inductors in this crossover. He and I talked about this one more time today – and his conclusion is that this is just not necessary given the overall design, etc.

Last Note X2

I have decided that we will be offering an alternative base design that is very similar to the original one I designed for Genesis and Epiphany. We will connect with each of you about this. I personally love “The X” – but at these prices we want you to love love love what you are getting – and that includes a base that will make you smile every time you look at it.

I will also be coming to you soon about the very special packing and crating we will be using to ensure safety in transport.

Tomorrow I will post more about the delivery schedules…

Thanks so much ---

All the best…



Junior Audioholic
We want answers damnit

AFAIK, his next court appearance isn't going to be a trial. No, it's a joyous event that you all know about.
I think we should really revist this entire Qaddafi situation. Write your senator today.They should raid his camp and waterboard all neighbors for relevent information.


Senior Audioholic
Kyle will be submitting his resignation to VA321?

The domain name for the VA321 forums / site will expire and not be renewed?

Mark will post his next set of items for sale on Craigslist?

Hmm ... there are so many possibilities. :D

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Stereodude and Minus are on to it. It's the birthday of the Humbly Bumbly one. So, get your thinking caps on and find something appropriate to wish him.


Junior Audioholic
Gift Idea

Maybe we should all pitch in for postage and send him one of those costumer loyalty $100 off a mfw coupons.
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