

Audioholic Jedi
I thought it might be worth while to have a thread for quick comments on demos that come out on PSN.

This week (last weekend?): Just Cause 2 and Darksiders

Just Cause 2 - average graphics, controls a bit weird, but entertaining to play because of all the destruction. You pretty much run around and blow stuff up in the demo because they didn't seem to give you anything to achieve. Not something I think I would buy based on the demo, but it could be a fun time passer.

Darksiders - Pretty good graphics, nice sound and a surprisingly long demo, but not very involving. I got tired of it after a while.


Audioholic Spartan
Darksiders was weak. Very repetitive and kind of a lame story line. The voice acting was cool though. But as soon as I finished it, I exchanged it.

I thought it might be worth while to have a thread for quick comments on demos that come out on PSN.

This week (last weekend?): Just Cause 2 and Darksiders

Just Cause 2 - average graphics, controls a bit weird, but entertaining to play because of all the destruction. You pretty much run around and blow stuff up in the demo because they didn't seem to give you anything to achieve. Not something I think I would buy based on the demo, but it could be a fun time passer.

Darksiders - Pretty good graphics, nice sound and a surprisingly long demo, but not very involving. I got tired of it after a while.


Audioholic Samurai
Darksiders: I fell asleep while playing it, same thing happens when the wife wants to watch the Oxygen Channel.

Just Cause 2: Haven't tried it yet but I'll give it a go.


Audioholic Jedi
Skate 3 demo is out now. Not a massive upgrade over 2 in terms of mechanics, but just as fun as ever.


Audioholic Jedi
Dead Space 2 demo out now on PSN. I set it to download last night; will give it a try when I get home.


Audioholic Jedi
Mod Nation Racers demo came out yesterday. Looks like the servers were overwhelmed downloading that one too because it was really hard to download it last night.


Audioholic Jedi
In case you haven't been on PSN lately, the 2s demos are out!!

Little Big Planet 2 OK
Dead Space 2 Good
Mass Effect 2 Good


Audioholic Field Marshall
John, I need some new games for the PS3, I am a GOW fanatic, any suggestions.


Audioholic Jedi
John, I need some new games for the PS3, I am a GOW fanatic, any suggestions.
Bayonetta. More fast paced than GOW, but very fun once you get the hang of it. I actually liked it better than GOW3. I think there is a demo - might want to try before you buy, because it is not for everyone. Great story and graphics and humorous too. If you've played any of the Devil May Cry series and liked them, you will like this.

I am currently playing Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. It is setup very similar to GOW3. So-so graphics and gameplay is OK. Difficulty ramps up pretty steep surprisingly early; I am only on chapter 2 and was quite tough to finish the two final battles. I don't know if that is good or bad, but when it is that tough, at least you know you earned it :) Like Bayonetta, sooooo many combos/moves it is hard to remember them all.

My daughter said she liked Dante's Inferno. I played the demo and thought it was pretty decent, but haven't tried the full game.


Audioholic Spartan
Bayonetta. More fast paced than GOW, but very fun once you get the hang of it. I actually liked it better than GOW3. I think there is a demo - might want to try before you buy, because it is not for everyone. Great story and graphics and humorous too. If you've played any of the Devil May Cry series and liked them, you will like this.

My daughter said she liked Dante's Inferno. I played the demo and thought it was pretty decent, but haven't tried the full game.
I thought Dante's Inferno was awesome!! It's a total GOW rip-off but I actually like it better. Great story, cool moves and graphics and good music. Very cool concept. I don't know how they're going to do a sequel though. I don't know what other sins they can make levels out of.


My name is Black
I`m from New York.
I like fashion games
Love dance music.
Nice too met you every member

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