

Audioholic Spartan
Thanks for the reply. I know it doesn't really pertain to the thread but I'd be curious to know your general body composition if you know it? IE BF% @ 260 vs BF% at 230? You're certainly the anomaly, but its not UNHEARD of.

If you're sweating half the day, your post workout (EPOC) is extremely high, you're one of the lucky ones for sure...
I have a feeling it's a lot of it is water weight. Just a thought.


Audioholic Ninja
I have a feeling it's a lot of it is water weight. Just a thought.
Yeah, more than likely. He mentioned fat specifically, which is why I was curious about %'s. For a guy that trains quite a bit, its nothing for total weight to fluctuate up to 10lbs a day.


Senior Audioholic
Has anyone here tried P90X? I was going to give it a shot as I just can't get my weight down since I've been done playing baseball. I'm 6'3 250 lbs. and I'd like to get back down at least to my playing weight, 215 lbs.


Audioholic Slumlord
Has anyone here tried P90X?
Some lunatic had posted YouTube stuff about that but I preferred watching the hot chick workouts. I sure wasn't about to start like actually doing exercise. Now that I'm back to work I bought myself a Dutch Cherry Pie.

That P90X thing looked like it was designed to make you puke. I guess it's cool if you're training to fight like a Terminator or something.


Senior Audioholic
Yeah, more than likely. He mentioned fat specifically, which is why I was curious about %'s. For a guy that trains quite a bit, its nothing for total weight to fluctuate up to 10lbs a day.
I have no clue what my body fat % is as of now. I know when I'm a healthy 230, my body fat is 8-9%. It's hard for me to be super lean. As far as it being water weight, I highly doubt I maintain a 20-30 pound deficiency of water and continue to train as hard as I do. Not likely. My body fluctuates about 3-5 pounds a day. Only on a holiday does it fluctuate 10 pounds...must be the Good Eatin :)


Audioholic Ninja
Has anyone here tried P90X? I was going to give it a shot as I just can't get my weight down since I've been done playing baseball. I'm 6'3 250 lbs. and I'd like to get back down at least to my playing weight, 215 lbs.
If you stick to it, it can produce some pretty good results. You might also look at the "insanity" workout- its from Beachbody as well. Its a 60 day workout and I've never seen anything so crazy. You will drop weight. P90x will be a little more gradual.


Audioholic Ninja
As far as it being water weight, I highly doubt I maintain a 20-30 pound deficiency of water and continue to train as hard as I do.
You easily carry around 20-25 lbs of water at any given time. At 30yo, 265, and obviously carrying around quite of bit of lean mass; your daily caloric MAINTENANCE would be just north of 3000. Thats to maintain weight. The fact that you eat around 1600 (half of what you need) your body has to stay fairly hydrated.

Just curious, are you doing any other resistance training?


Senior Audioholic
You easily carry around 20-25 lbs of water at any given time. At 30yo, 265, and obviously carrying around quite of bit of lean mass; your daily caloric MAINTENANCE would be just north of 3000. Thats to maintain weight. The fact that you eat around 1600 (half of what you need) your body has to stay fairly hydrated.

Just curious, are you doing any other resistance training?
I haven't started weight lifting yet. I might start this week. My goal is to get to about 230lbs. I blow up like balloon when I lift weights. Without out lifting weights I bench press over 300lbs lol...Guys at work say I have retard strength. I look like I lift weights and I haven't touched them in almost 2 years. When I do both, I lose fat a lot faster. I will probably lose 20lbs this month (in that ball park) with just swimming.

How about you? You seem to know quite a bit about fitness. Whats your routine consist of?


Audioholic Ninja
Highschool and college athlete, got fat when I got married, decided to get in shape... prone to excess nature got me learning all I could about nutrition and fitness. I do a little personal training, mostly for the handful of golf students I teach.

I eat pretty much whatever I want, although I do keep track of calories. I aim for 2700 a day. I also have 1 100gr protein shake a day. As long as I get at least a few veggies, I'll eat whatever. I'm currently in a deficit, so its not like I can store the excess junk calories, there aren't any. Lots and lots of myths regarding calorie breakdown, meal frequency, and metabolism.

As far as routine goes, I do no cardio. Or aerobic cardio I should say. I'll do some conditioning, like plyometrics once a week, but no low intensity steady state stuff. I also do yoga. My heart is in good shape but my liver is in trouble...

I train with weights three times a week. I do heavy/low for 4 weeks, then light/high for 4 weeks. Typical push/pull outline. Chest/tris back/bis legs/core.

Seems to work for me. I'm a steady 6' 180 at 10-12%


Audioholic Overlord
This is the first year I have noticed a big change in my body, I guess turning 45 got me.

I have always lifted weights. A lot of bodybuilding when I was young and a couple of BB contest in the early 80's until I saw what a weird circus that is. I lift 5 days a week with a split of Back/bis, chest/tris, legs, shoulders.

I also have a pretty extensive knowledge base around nutrition.

Every year starting around April, I get a little more serious about lifting and watching what I eat and throw in a modest amount of cardio. I hate cardio and really just walk a 2 mile loop in my neighborhood that is up and down a pretty good hill.

With this routine, it has always taken me 8 weeks to get in shape for the summer, which is my goal. I usually start at a body weight of ~ 210 and his will drop me to ~200 with a good drop in body fat and a good increase in lean mass.

Well, since the honeymoon is early June, I started my routine in mid Feb. According to the past 25 years of my life, I should be looking pretty good right about now. I am not.

My strength is normal for this stage (250 lb incline press, 85lb DB presses, 450lb squat, 180lb rows...all for 6-10 reps) My chest, shoulders, back, arms and legs have gained about the right amount of mass but my mid section hasn't changed a bit.

My weight has dropped about 8 lbs and body comp has went from 18% to 12% which is in track but man, I just don't look the same as I normally do.

I guess this is just from getting old and it sucks. I will just clean up my diet a little more and do more cardio and see where it goes from here.


Audioholic Spartan
Some lunatic had posted YouTube stuff about that but I preferred watching the hot chick workouts. I sure wasn't about to start like actually doing exercise. Now that I'm back to work I bought myself a Dutch Cherry Pie.

That P90X thing looked like it was designed to make you puke. I guess it's cool if you're training to fight like a Terminator or something.
That lunatic was Matt I believe.:D


Audioholic Overlord
This is the first year I have noticed a big change in my body, I guess turning 45 got me.

I have always lifted weights. A lot of bodybuilding when I was young and a couple of BB contest in the early 80's until I saw what a weird circus that is. I lift 5 days a week with a split of Back/bis, chest/tris, legs, shoulders.

I also have a pretty extensive knowledge base around nutrition.

Every year starting around April, I get a little more serious about lifting and watching what I eat and throw in a modest amount of cardio. I hate cardio and really just walk a 2 mile loop in my neighborhood that is up and down a pretty good hill.

With this routine, it has always taken me 8 weeks to get in shape for the summer, which is my goal. I usually start at a body weight of ~ 210 and his will drop me to ~200 with a good drop in body fat and a good increase in lean mass.

Well, since the honeymoon is early June, I started my routine in mid Feb. According to the past 25 years of my life, I should be looking pretty good right about now. I am not.

My strength is normal for this stage (250 lb incline press, 85lb DB presses, 450lb squat, 180lb rows...all for 6-10 reps) My chest, shoulders, back, arms and legs have gained about the right amount of mass but my mid section hasn't changed a bit.

My weight has dropped about 8 lbs and body comp has went from 18% to 12% which is in track but man, I just don't look the same as I normally do.

I guess this is just from getting old and it sucks. I will just clean up my diet a little more and do more cardio and see where it goes from here.
Could be time to change up the ole routine. You do have a pool and working out in a pool is a great way to reduce joint stress and increase strength.


Audioholic Ninja
This is the first year I have noticed a big change in my body, I guess turning 45 got me.

I have always lifted weights. A lot of bodybuilding when I was young and a couple of BB contest in the early 80's until I saw what a weird circus that is. I lift 5 days a week with a split of Back/bis, chest/tris, legs, shoulders.

I also have a pretty extensive knowledge base around nutrition.

Every year starting around April, I get a little more serious about lifting and watching what I eat and throw in a modest amount of cardio. I hate cardio and really just walk a 2 mile loop in my neighborhood that is up and down a pretty good hill.

With this routine, it has always taken me 8 weeks to get in shape for the summer, which is my goal. I usually start at a body weight of ~ 210 and his will drop me to ~200 with a good drop in body fat and a good increase in lean mass.

Well, since the honeymoon is early June, I started my routine in mid Feb. According to the past 25 years of my life, I should be looking pretty good right about now. I am not.

My strength is normal for this stage (250 lb incline press, 85lb DB presses, 450lb squat, 180lb rows...all for 6-10 reps) My chest, shoulders, back, arms and legs have gained about the right amount of mass but my mid section hasn't changed a bit.

My weight has dropped about 8 lbs and body comp has went from 18% to 12% which is in track but man, I just don't look the same as I normally do.

I guess this is just from getting old and it sucks. I will just clean up my diet a little more and do more cardio and see where it goes from here.
You obviously have a lot of experience with lifting and know what you're doing... You know as you get older, getting rid of that stubborn extra just gets harder. Your body has to hang on to some of that extra body fat for normal body function, namely hormone production. If I were you, I'd dump the lower rep/heavy lifts for maybe a couple of weeks. Those heavy lifts boost hormone production of testosterone and cortisol. Good chance at around 12% your body needs that to continue to produce those hormones at your age. I would do lighter sets and more reps, 12-15 to scale that back just a bit for a couple weeks. This also might break any plateau you might be on. Also, too much cardio might be counterproductive for you while you're lifting. Since you lift 5 days a week, you're constantly moving glycogen stores and protein for muscle repair and growth. This obviously keeps insulin present as long as you don't go several hours without eating. The body doesn't want to (can't really) burn fat in the presence of insulin and any aerobic exercise you do will target the moving glycogen stores for energy instead of targeting the existing fat stores.

If you'll consider more reps, lighter weight and shorter breaks between sets, you'll get all the cardio you need and still have an extremely high post exercise excess oxygen consumption (EPOC) which is the real benefit to cardio when losing weight anyways.

If you want to do cardio, keep the session short, very intense, and if you can on an empty stomach. I would not do it on a day you've already lifted.

Oh, and maybe scale back on the booze a bit... :p Kidding, just don't "hammered" every time you reach for the scotch.

my $.02


Audioholic Slumlord
I ate like a pig today. Smoked turkey, 1/2 a bagel and a pear for breakfast. Good sized sirloin, scrod, asparagus and a slice of good bread ... plus a little cherry pie for late lunch. Super time snack of just the left over fish. 'Bout 8 ounces of sirloin, 1 whole egg and two egg whites with asparagus and a slice of good bread just now ... might do a little fruit and cheese later but I'm too lazy to cut it up. I can't even begin to describe how torqued I feel having eaten all that meat and protein. I don't know why but I ate my vitamins too. :rolleyes: :)


Audioholic Overlord
I agree, it is time to do 2 weeks of high reps. I think I will start that today.

BTW, I limit my drinking to twice a month during my serious training. Since my target date to get in shape ends at the same time I am in the Bahamas, that is my target date to start serious drinking again.:D
You obviously have a lot of experience with lifting and know what you're doing... You know as you get older, getting rid of that stubborn extra just gets harder. Your body has to hang on to some of that extra body fat for normal body function, namely hormone production. If I were you, I'd dump the lower rep/heavy lifts for maybe a couple of weeks. Those heavy lifts boost hormone production of testosterone and cortisol. Good chance at around 12% your body needs that to continue to produce those hormones at your age. I would do lighter sets and more reps, 12-15 to scale that back just a bit for a couple weeks. This also might break any plateau you might be on. Also, too much cardio might be counterproductive for you while you're lifting. Since you lift 5 days a week, you're constantly moving glycogen stores and protein for muscle repair and growth. This obviously keeps insulin present as long as you don't go several hours without eating. The body doesn't want to (can't really) burn fat in the presence of insulin and any aerobic exercise you do will target the moving glycogen stores for energy instead of targeting the existing fat stores.

If you'll consider more reps, lighter weight and shorter breaks between sets, you'll get all the cardio you need and still have an extremely high post exercise excess oxygen consumption (EPOC) which is the real benefit to cardio when losing weight anyways.

If you want to do cardio, keep the session short, very intense, and if you can on an empty stomach. I would not do it on a day you've already lifted.

Oh, and maybe scale back on the booze a bit... :p Kidding, just don't "hammered" every time you reach for the scotch.

my $.02


Audioholic Spartan
I ate like a pig today. Smoked turkey, 1/2 a bagel and a pear for breakfast. Good sized sirloin, scroad, asparagus and a slice of good bread ... plus a little cherry pie for late lunch. Super time snack of just the left over fish. 'Bout 8 ounces of sirloin, 1 whole egg and two egg whites with asparagus and a slice of good bread just now ... might do a little fruit and cheese later but I'm too lazy to cut it up. I can't even begin to describe how torqued I feel having eaten all that meat and protein. I don't know why but I ate my vitamins too. :rolleyes: :)

Fixed for ya!:p


Audioholic Spartan
Had to look that up and then I had to look up choad.

I'm becoming like an encyclopedia of names for distasteful male body parts and conditions thanks to you. Hope your happy with what you've created. :rolleyes:
Thanks to me?????:eek:

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