DO NOT BUY anything from AV123

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Audioholic Intern
P.S. If I were the prosecutor, before making an offer, I would want to know how much of the restitution could be paid up front either before or at the time of the plea. That's the only way you can be absolutely certain it's going to be paid. The defense attorney typically will lean on their client, as well, to pay as much as possible up front because they know they have a much better bargaining position if their client does so.
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Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Out of say a total of $200,00 as potentially owed, what would you consider to be a respectable down payment? Could he issue gift cards, store credit, discounted merchandise, and stuff like that? :D


Audioholic Intern
Out of say a total of $200,00 as potentially owed, what would you consider to be a respectable down payment?
I'd rather not get into speculation about specific numbers of what's respectable or not respectable because you could ask 100 different prosecutors and probably get 100 different answers so my opinion wouldn't be very helpful to anyone.

Suffice it to say, when I was doing white collar type cases, I always preferred the entire amount to be paid upfront. Defendants who were willing and able to do so got better plea offers. I also always considered half of the total being paid up front as something worthy of giving consideration. Of course, often times neither one of those is possible. Can't get blood from a turnip as the old saying goes.


Audioholic Ninja
I get a similar feeling when I read product reviews from them. I am not a fan of that publication either.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Writing that 'explanation' is the same as washing your hands with this:


Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
UniAudio and Longmont Part Company - Another One Bites The Dust

I was forwarded the latest MFW promotional material and I see that they're now selling the sub with everything but the cabinet made in the USA. I understand that the cabinets they now have all came from UniAudio but were unfinished. Painting and any veneering will be done domestically and once those cabinets are gone, future cabinets will be made in the USA but where is anybody's guess.

So, I take this promotional material as MLS's (TADG's) way of saying there'll be no more talk of Passion and Pride. Instead, it'll be just another body left alongside the road as Schifter walks past and forgets to put an IOU on the toe tag. But what it does mean people is that it appears that he (AV451) still has money to play with. What are you all waiting for?

  • File your complaints with the Colorado BBB if only to give him another black mark.
  • File your complaints with the Colorado Attorney General's Office Consumer areas.
  • File your complaints with the Colorado Secretary of State and let them know about the indictment and your own situation. If enough of you do, they just might revoke his business license.
  • Sue AV451 and have the suit name Suzanne Johnson. She's a principal with the organization.


People are still buying and defending Toyotas :( I won't be surprised if many people choose not to "bother" with av451 either... it's sad, really: people like MLS get away with murder every day, due to lack of "drive" from people who're wronged ...

I really hope that people will take your advice, Chu.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
I hope a lot of them are. Sean's small claims case is coming around later this month I think provided there aren't any more delays and it'll be helpful for all to see how this develops. I hope he's successful and if so, it provides an impetus to others.


Audioholic Ninja
What about the rocket/x-series shipments/supplier? Are the unfinished cabinets for the MFW-15 from Columbia stuck in the Panama Canal :D or are they stated as being in the warehouse?

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
What about the rocket/x-series shipments/supplier? Are the unfinished cabinets for the MFW-15 from Columbia stuck in the Panama Canal :D or are they stated as being in the warehouse?
That's a good question on the Rockets with their curved cabinetry. My guess on that is that the most cost effective way to get those made would be to source it from China. The X-series were all being made in Colombia and when they're gone, I seriously doubt Santiago is going to entertain doing any further business with Longmont. The guy is just owed a ton of money. At this point, Shifty is between several rocks and a hard place and they're all calling for money.

I don't know if the unfinished MFW cabinets are in-house or if on-route. IIRC, the Panama Canal excuse was for the Truppan MDF that Shifty was getting from Chile.


If you look at a map of Columbia, any talk of a shipment stuck in the Panama canal on the way to anywhere is a bit hard to swallow. ;)


If you look at a map of Columbia, any talk of a shipment stuck in the Panama canal on the way to anywhere is a bit hard to swallow. ;)
Especially with former excuses of "the shipment is being held for inspection by Customs in Florida".

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
That would depend where the boat is scheduled to unload its cargo.

Of course, with Shifty, there was a lot left to interpretation and one never knew if the emails had been edited to protect the innocent.


Audioholic Ninja
I can't see them hitting the same price points and undermining the "competitive going rate" with production in NA - which seems to be their method of attracting a new customer base. Unless it is to offer a MFW for $399 and add $200 dollars for shipping ;) Their new customer base seems to be attracted only by the purchase price even if it comes at the sacrfice of quality issues and warranty problems/concerns. What about the X-statik? Where these mostly made in Columbia?
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