Was there any truth to the rumor about a home closing which was supposed to occur in February to pay back those owed money? He even forwarded messages from his lawyer or whatever.
I assume we all got the same stuff.
Well, not a home closing but the distribution of assets from what's known at the Estate of Gerrato. I'll give you my understanding of it. According to Zillows, the home of the late Fred Gerrato (MLS's mother, Naomi Schifter Gerrato had died a few years earlier) sold for $710,000. The total value of the estate is unclear. As I understand it, there were three beneficiaries - Shifty, his sister, and his step sister. The estate had to be probated and if we assume a 1/3 split all around, Shifty could be looking at a fair amount of cash.
But you see, there was a problem that delayed the probating which in itself is not the speediest of matters. You see, Shifty had also borrowed a very large amount of money from both his sister and step-sister. True to Shifty form, he didn't pay them back either and both sued him. So the probate process had to address this matter by reducing Shifty's share by the amount owed. It has also been said, that Shifty had also borrowed monies from Fred too and didn't pay him back. So, that resulted in a further reduction to Shifty's cut. However, it still left him with some money but now we're down to the mid 5-figures or so. Then, at least one other person also had filed a ciivl suit against Shifty and had won. Needless to say this estate matter which Shifty desperately tried to keep from being known to those who had legal claims pending, did in fact become known. So, in the end Shifty will be left with nothing.
A lot of people got his special emails where he forwarded correspondence from the lawyers involved in probating the estate. Every one was told to keep it to themselves. Hence every single individual was led to believe that at least they would be getting their money and besides you folks here who got those emails, I understand that Santiago also got them. Everyone was counting on it to make them whole. In the end, the only people who were made whole were those who'd sued Shifty and won. Allegedly