Tweak City broke him down.
The place that shall not be named...
That place is full of a-holes. They seem to have no problem calling the members of AH and us moderators names.
Just to get the facts straight, the boss-hole for "that place" got banned from AH for getting smart with Gene in PM's and posting their private conversations in public. Then he wants to say his posts here on AH weren't "pimping" his forum. Yet to this day he doesn't think he was marketing his company when even I told him in a joking manner he was "pimping". And that was after he made a post repeating the company name many times to say he wasn't trying to advertise the company. Mind you every one of his posts also had a signature with a link to his store.
But that's the absolute last time for that saga to make it back into this forum. Let them have their little happy piece of the internet to themselves and we'll stay in ours.
So, in keeping with Matt's request that this thread be
only about AV123 and it's downward slide, I too will be watching this thread much closer.
But I will admit, I'll be thrilled to death if MS gets convicted or AV123 goes out of business. 'Cause I'll be the first one to delete this damn thread.