That was the exact thing I felt when I got rid of my two mfws. I felt kinda bad each time but they both emailed about how much they liked them so I felt neutral about it. Still can't feel good about it.
I waited until about 3 weeks ago to sell my remaining GC balance just because I felt bad about sticking somebody else with that company. I finally just decided I wanted to move on and I didn't want any relationship with them. I have a blown UFW-12 that just started smoking, literally, about 2 months ago that I didn't even try to get replaced (couldn't now under the new generous policy) because I didn't even want to deal with that company.
I just wonder how all those old timers who stuck around to ignore the obvious, aka the disrespectful and criminal **** Mark has pulled over the last couple years and continued beyond any sane reason to still push his gear feel about his new policies. Sadly, they will never get it.
I wonder who Mark is going to throw under the bus for this new policy? The MCM, Ruben? Or some other poor sap who had no idea what they were getting into and now is being blamed for all things MLS.