Gene, if you want a CAPABLE speaker reviewer, I offer my services in the spare time. Might be fun. If there is anyone that can actually do a better job than me in regards to loudspeaker analysis short of actually having NRC or Harman Labs do it for you...... let me know...
I don't have a professional background to meet the above qualification of providing a 'resume' listing these experiences. I'm just an 'amateur'. So my offer may be overlooked.
I desire only to provide summary and measurements, and detailed report of measured results and effects perceptually, from an objective POV. I can provide a 'subjective' caption separately, if required. But I must insist it is separate from the objective review. Much like Stereophile has the raw technical data in a shade box, and the subjective review in the white. However, I won't offer the rainbow of jargon they use, I must limit it to sensible statements.
If you are interested, I'll even build/use a localized anechoic chamber for the measurements, given allowance budget. Such a chamber using the materials I have access to should cost no more than about $2500.
Here is an example of image files representing objective analysis I performed for a commercial speaker. Full THD at distance, full off axis response characteristics, full range merged response, CSD, etc.
At minimum, I would provide that amount of data, along with discussion of effects on auditory/perceptual system(s) of human subject(s).
In addition, full photographic detail of product and interior, and discussion of this as well.
I can also offer amplifier analysis, to an extensive level. However, an equipment budget to get proper gear for high power amplifier analysis would be required.