back OT, of the many people screwed over ... isn't there ANYONE doing any legal action?
A general theme that has surfaced several times, is that most people are afraid to pursue legal action or even publicly voice their screwing over in a sustained fashion. When I've done so on other sites, these are some of the paraphrased responses I've obtained.
- You have an agenda.
- You work for a competitor.
- You have no right to comment because you're not a product owner.
- You have no right to comment because you didn't contribute to the raffles.
- You don't know the man.
- He's a victim and doing the best he can.
- If AV123 goes under are you going to warranty my product?
- If AV123 goes under are you going to pay me my money back?
Stuff like that Mike C.
The folks that have donated money to the fraudulent and illegally run raffles to my knowledge have not pursued any individual legal action. My guess is they figure that life's lesson cost them $20 or $100 and they've chalked it up to a learning experience and will never do business with either Mark or VA321 as well as never recommend them to anyone.
The folks that prepaid for LS whatevers fall into two camps - one that wants their money back and one that wants their product. The former has only spoken out occasionally. They're willing to suffer the loss of inflation as well as earned interest. While the amounts are well under what can be sued for in small claims court, the matter is complicated by their living out of state. The logistics many feel are insurmountable so they wait hoping that their turn will come. I've spoken to many privately and they often state that they constantly email and call MLS pressing their case. They're still pressing.
The folks that got suckered into paying for the honor of being part of the RSL-II beta program likely fall into the two camps above.
To the best of my knowledge, neither Sloan Kettering, Derek, Hugh (on behalf of his friend who died), or Ballet Nouveau have pursued legal actions. Call it life's lessons or the amount is insufficient to warrant legal expenditures, or indifference. The Russian orphanage(s) in Khabarovsk, well they know nothing about their being beneficiaries. They'll never see the money. The other recipients, well all I can say is that their responses have been along the lines of form letters that don't inspire.
There are some individuals and companies who have done business with or for VA321 that can reasonably be said to have no further ties at this time. You can infer who they are by thinking about who no longer post with any sort of regularity. Considerable sums are still owed in those cases with only one receiving something that amounts to a somewhat regular payment. At the rate they're being paid off, it'll be five years or so before they receive what's owed. It is only the utterly naive supplier that doesn't know VA321 has welched. The industry does talk through their own grapevine and these things go around. Hence, it's now very much a cash first business for VA321 and in the business world when you can't get terms. Ask if you don't know what terms are.
There are individuals who might be considered at one time to be friends, but friends with deep pockets. They have invested or have loaned money to MLS in the past. At one time they were repaid. But not necessarily repaid from the ongoing profits from VA321. You could make a strong case that it was a matter of robbing Peter to pay Paul or like using one credit card to pay off another. Eventually it all catches up with you and there's no one left to keep the never ending circle going. Comparisons with Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme approach are not unwarranted, IMO. Why, I've heard that there's one person who was so sure at one time that MLS was the truth and a sure bet that not only did he give him well in excess of 5 figures, but got his mother to invest too. But, not all have idly sat by. There are lawsuits that were already initiated and won. There are lawsuits in progress and there are lawsuits pending.
I hope this reply to some extent answers your question and if it doesn't I can be reached privately.