Too many politicians are in the back pockets of the insurance companies. As long as this is going on, real reform can't happen. I don't understand this requirement for everybody to buy insurance.
Can the insurance companies still deny covergae, based on "pre-existing conditions"? If they can't, are they going to charge a kings ransom in premiums? I think it will be a complete and utter mess.
This pathological fear of a universal health care system is unfounded. Canada's system needs some "upgrading", but going back to completely private insurance coverage will
never happen here. Ever. Wanna know why? Because under a universal system, there are no worries about being denied treatment, for any reason. There is no incentive to short change patients in their care, because there isn't a profit motive. Many Americans think that will lead to massive wastage, but when you consider that that the US health care system is the most expensive in the world, by a large margin, that arguement doesn't stand up.
There are no government bureaucrats standing between you and your treatment. No "death panels" deciding whether Granny is too old to be worth the investment of health care dollars. Nobody decides who your doctor will be.
Contrast that with insurance companies deciding which hospital you most go to, what treatments are appropriate, etc.
In other words you should have more fear of insurance company reps standing between you and your health care, than a government bureaucrat doing the same thing.
Just think of all the government run services you already have: defence, police, fire depts, judiciary, prosecution services, etc. Would you want them all privatized? No? Why is health care any different?
With a universal health care system, taxes will increase of course. It isn't "free" after all. However, think about those insurance premiums you wouldn't be paying.
I will not say that a government run system is without problems. Lord knows, we have plenty of problems. However, if Canadians were polled and asked if they would trade their health care system for that in the US, I believe the overwhelming response would be a big fat NO.
I have travelled to the US many times, met many wonderful people. My experiences have been very positive. I believe your country is a great place, along with her people. It's mind-boggling to see her people so ill-served by her health care system.
I wish you all the best in reforming it. but, I'm sadly sceptical...