On this Christmas Eve, I'd like to thank everyone who has kept this matter in the forefront of the public's attention by posting here as well as on other websites. I also want to thank those that have provided useful information on any number of issues which have helped define the scope and extent of the problems. In particular thank you to *** over at VA321. You did the right thing.
Mark, I know you read this. I know you've looked for ways to shut this thread down but the only way this thread is going to run its course is if you get off your arse and stop talking about how you've got a plan in place. And lest you think I'm just guessing about your efforts to do a Hugo Chavez on this thread and others, let me tell you that I know you've got money coming as a result of an estate being settled. You want to run your business, fine. When the money comes in, you start doing the right thing. Pronto! You make it a point to see that Derek, Ballet Nouveau, Hugh's friend who died, and Sloan Kettering get the money you raised and never sent. Don't play games with the numbers. We know what they are. You make it a point to get those speakers to all the people who paid for them or refund the money. Stop playing the game of Uniaudio is going to make the LS cabs, then it's Lucid, then it's Ruben, then it's back to Lucid. Stop it already! I don't know the Ninja but hearing how he got dicked around with half the parts and second grade cabinets, well that's not going to cut it. From what people have said, he worked his arse off for you and even now his post on your forum makes you look good. There's other stuff too, Mark. You make sure you take some of that estate money and pay the people who worked for you what they're owed. That's my agenda. That's my motive. I want the same thing you want Mark. When you go shopping and you buy groceries, you expect to get all your groceries that you paid for. Not 25% or less. You do the right thing, this thread will end. Don't piss away the money on watches or pens. Settle your obligations promptly.
And to everyone, a very Merry Christmas. I love you all.