Hey Mike,
Nikon D300
Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8 (FX)
Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8 (DX) - bought with body
Nikkor 200mm f/2 (FX)
Capture NX2
Photomatix Pro
PT Gui
Autopano Pro (never used now; PT Gui is superior)
Photoshop (only used to remove alpha channels from stitched panoramas so that Capture NX2 can open files)
Everything else
Markin M10 Ball Head
360 Precision Giga Panoramic Head
Nikon CPL II Polarizer
Nikon CPL-3L Polarizer for 200 f/2
Singh Ray ND, Grad and Reverse Grad filters (2 and 3 stop)
I remember seeing your 5D in the other 'Cool Photos' thread. Impressive bit of kit. I could do with your resolution.