Thanks for the quick response!
what i gathered from your post:
A. The [speaker wire]inputs to the sub for speakers are for active monitors, not passive
B. i could get a cheaper (pre)amp that would hook up to the speakers, then go to the sub?
C. i could get this audio source amp (which looks like the best option), and it would allow me to have both the sub and the speakers hooked up together? It does indeed look like the best option, but a little big, i could make it work, but something smaller would be preferable.
D. I could get that 150$ amp. This is something that i would like to get, but it would be alot more attractive if it were only 50$
Can you take a look at the Dayton sub to make sure it doesn't power passive speakers? I cant quite understand all of the terms used.
Also if i were to get this used audiosource amp, would it actively balance my sub and loudspeakers (what i assume a crossover does?), if so that might be the best option, though smaller is preferable as stated before