After my last 2 motorola experiences. I don't tink so. Besides I'm probably too cheapskate for that anyway.
Ecost has a tom-tom for around 60 bucks.
I researched reviews for a while, and settled on Garmin. I paid the extra money to have some worldwide maps preloaded, because if I did it later, the cost would be substantially more IIRC.
They're not all the same. It's like with receivers. Features vs performance vs other things. Size of display, how fast can it find you, how fast can it route, speech to text.
Mine has the speakers on the back, and the volume doesn't get very high, so I flip it backwards when driving. I do use it rarely.
If you use the reroute function (to avoid traffic), some units have been reviewed to do terrible jobs. Like get off the freeway exit, just to take side streets to the very next on-ramp. You won't know until it's too late.
You know, FWIW, I got by on maps for a very long time. The one I used was about $20 retail, and I'd buy one every 5 years, probably longer than that.
How do the reviews fare with that tom-tom? Linky?