Class Action Lawsuit Filed Over PS3 Failures from update 3.00




message 534:

message 571:

Unfortunately, i'm one of the victims too. I can't play any Blu-rays or Blu-ray based games w/o them freezing now. Though, i can still play DVDs.

Called tech support. The instructed me to go into Safe Mode and perform Opt.3. Then Opt. 4. Then backup sys. and try Opt. 5. Tried all, including updating to 3.01, no luck.

Sony wants me to pay them $150 to fix an issue obviously caused by their mandatory update...:mad:....
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$150 for repairs??? Even if it was your fault you'd almost be nuts to spend that much. You're half way to the purchase price of a new unit.

Sony is so lame. Here they were touting how the PS3 doesn't have the failure rate of the XBox 360 and they go and pull something so stupid as to cause their own failures.

I really hope you get some resolution out of this.


Audioholic Overlord
And Sony not handling this properly could drive their sales down even more, so this is lose lose for them by not handling Sony caused problems with swift and fair action. As a PS3 owner I am afraid to download firmware updates because it may cause my PS3 to malfunction and make me have to pay money out of my pocket to get it repaired, and lose valuable PS3 + ME TIME.

I have no idea what those Sony guys are thinking, but they must have the worst legal advisers of any multinational electronics corporation.


Audioholic Ninja
I think J_Garcia had this happen to his PS3.

Sony are a bunch of clowns, though Microsoft is not much better. At this point I'm not sure what is better a more reliable PS3 but still has its own problems and is expensive to fix or a unrealiable 360 that has a 3 year warranty.

Its at these times it is important to keep the public pressure on Sony and force them to do whats right.


Audioholic Overlord
I think J_Garcia had this happen to his PS3.

Sony are a bunch of clowns, though Microsoft is not much better. At this point I'm not sure what is better a more reliable PS3 but still has its own problems and is expensive to fix or a unrealiable 360 that has a 3 year warranty.

Its at these times it is important to keep the public pressure on Sony and force them to do whats right.
Not entirely the same though. Sony has a problem with their product caused by them, they don't take responcibility other than to tell you that there have been some problems, "and thanks for choosing our system over the competition (ha ha sucker, I mean good job little buddy)".

Microsoft came out with some crap hardware but when push came to shove they didn't go as far to get themselves into some lawsuit over system failures, they extended warranties and make special revisions for the Red Rings of Death consule users. At least they offered the extended warranty to reduce the amount of out of pocket repairs for the consumer.

I don't own an XBOX 360, and I don't really want to own one. However, it may eventually come to that. They get more exclusives and better support. I just wish they'd revise the system and not just trying to make the same outfit better, but making a whole new one that is better period.


Audioholic Samurai
This is exactly why I stay away from those types of updates (unless there is some sort of issue beforehand).

It really is a BAD deal though.


Audioholic Spartan
This is completely unrelated, but I fired up the HDDVD for the first time in a good while, and I so wanted to go Michael Bolton on it! :mad:

My condolences to those who must suffer from stoopid Sony crap.

I have a friend who just had a PS3 die. I thought he should just get a new one, for cheaper than what he originally paid, and simply add a warranty, but he claims he is just done with them. He wants a stand alone. I think it lasted him about two years.


Republican Poster Boy
I just sent in my son's PS3 for repair of this issue. It was getting some error code and wouldn't play games at all. Luckily, it was still under warranty.


Audioholic Samurai
At last! My "paranoid" behavior of never installing a new firmware version until it's been out for at least a week with no negative reports pays off!




Audioholic Jedi
Yep, that pretty much sounds like what happened with mine. I knew that the suit was coming, which is why I have not sent mine in yet. I will sit back and see how things fall out and if I can pick up a new slim on Black Friday or at least a good deal, then I'll pick one of them up and hopefully be able to send the 60G in to get repaired or replaced free of charge or at least at a discount. I am always online on my PS3 so I had no choice but to update it to 3.00 There is nothing wrong with my HDD as far as I can tell, so when I get a new one, I should just have to drop the drive in and go.


Audioholic Overlord
At last! My "paranoid" behavior of never installing a new firmware version until it's been out for at least a week with no negative reports pays off!


I went right past this post thinking it was mine. I should probably stop while I'm ahead.


At last! My "paranoid" behavior of never installing a new firmware version until it's been out for at least a week with no negative reports pays off!


Yep, that pretty much sounds like what happened with mine. I knew that the suit was coming, which is why I have not sent mine in yet. I will sit back and see how things fall out and if I can pick up a new slim on Black Friday or at least a good deal, then I'll pick one of them up and hopefully be able to send the 60G in to get repaired or replaced free of charge or at least at a discount. I am always online on my PS3 so I had no choice but to update it to 3.00 There is nothing wrong with my HDD as far as I can tell, so when I get a new one, I should just have to drop the drive in and go.
Chris, i'm w/ you. I've always tried to wait and check the PS3 forums before updating. However, like J_Garcia, I play online and had to update. The bad part is, I never play games in the summer and decided to pick it back up about 3-4 weeks ago. I wanted to get used to COD4 Mod. Warfare again, since the second one is coming out soon. When I turned it on, I had to update.

The odd part is, I was able to play for 3 wks until I put my first Blu-ray movie in, Transformers 2. Their claiming its a hardware issue. The flaw with that reasoning is, I can usually watch part of the movies before it freezes. If it was hardware, I can't imagine it would play at all.

I filled out the service request online and entered my CC info before I realized the problem was this widespread. The service shipping box arrived Fri. Though, I'm w/ J_Garcia, I don't plan to send it in until I see some resolution coming. It's one of the early 80gb Motorstorm bundle PS3's and this is the first real issue i've had in ~3yrs of owning it. As Seth=L mentioned, this could hurt them giving that COD6 MW2 is due out in a couple weeks. I know I now have no reason to rush out and buy it...
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One other thing you should know. If you have to send your PS3 in, it sounds like it's highly unlikely you'll get yours back. From what the service reps told me, they send you a refurb.

Not sure it's a big deal but, I'm kinda attached to mine since I know it's been well taken care of in it's cozy spot in the fan vented entertainment closet...


Audioholic Slumlord
It was Halloween, I went as WmAx. I was tricking, not treating. I'm about to change it back.
Oh ... I thought you were doing it because it's hilarious and to dupe Jamie into showing you some respect. :D


Audioholic Jedi
One other thing you should know. If you have to send your PS3 in, it sounds like it's highly unlikely you'll get yours back. From what the service reps told me, they send you a refurb.
It is pretty much a given that they send you a different unit unless there is something easy to fix on yours. If it is a board/component failure, they will ship you a refurb and then refurb yours to send to someone else. The only guarantee is that they will send you one of the same type as yours; if you send a 60G they send you a 60G back.


Audioholic Overlord
It was Halloween, I went as WmAx. I was tricking, not treating. I'm about to change it back.
I swore I saw someone with my avatar pic and signature on halloween, but then I realized I had eaten one too many reese's.


Audioholic Jedi
I swore I saw someone with my avatar pic and signature on halloween, but then I realized I had eaten one too many reese's.
There is no such thing as one too many, except when they are all gone :)

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