I understand your position and I know that ours are vastly different. Mine is a global mindset in the sense that I'm a globalized person. What is meant by that statement is that I've lived in a variety of different cultures and observed the benefits and downfalls of their societies. I also view the world as a single community where all of humanity is my responsibility to help.
I am by no means an expert on global dynamics since my experiences where limited to mostly college summers. Still I think my viewpoint doesn't work well with an American conservative. The reality is the Mexicans were in Cali and Arizona before we were, but we took their land by force and through racial discrimination. These things are never mentioned by proponents of the hard-line approach.
Also it's easy to say you wouldn't break the law until you find the law prevents you from feeding your family or keeping them safe. If I lived in Juarez I'd come across too.
Laws mean nothing to a starving unemployed man who can't get work in his own country to feed his family.
First off as a vet I have lived in many different places around the world and am better traveled than most people especially in the US. So don't think that I have an isolated Midwest US perspective on the world. A conservative yes, narrow minded no.
Everyone has been screwed over in the past one way or another, I don't complain about the Germans invading Poland and wanting reparations or handouts because my ancestors were oppressed. The same should be true for Native Americans, African Americans, Mexican Americans, ect.... If we continue to make decisions based on favors owed for past occurrences then we will never move forward.
I'm not saying that we should close the borders and not allow immigration, immigration is one of the foundations of this great country and it should be encouraged. However, you must play by the rules and be held accountable to the same payments and sociological prerequisites as the rest of the American Taxpayers. I would say this is partially due to the government policies that are in place that are not streamlined like they aught to be.
When you start breaking laws in the name of "what is right for you at the time" that becomes a slippery slope.