Yeah, I'm aware that it would be less efficient, hence the need for more power. The whole justification driving the sub build, is to gain some floor space. SWMBO is willing to entertain the idea on that basis. I just want to build a subwoofer!
The plan for an under-couch design hinged on getting a DCX to equalize the FR, due to the fixed location of the sub. However, when I took some measurements with my present sub in that location (had to move the couch of course), the FR was not good at all, as you can see in the related post. Then I got to thinking, if I equalize for the best FR in the best listening position (with regards to the mains), is it going to adversely affect the FR in
other positions. My guess is yes. I have to take more measurements from other positions to confirm my suspicion.
Since the best listening position isn't the most common seating position (I have to temporarily place a chair there, as it blocks the path through the living room), I'm wondering if it's wise to equalize for that position.
In an effort to improve the FR of my mains, which are sitting on cabinets, (attached photo), I stuffed the ports with pieces of foam. The FR tightened up considerably, while significantly reducing the standing wave. In fact, it was better than placing them on stands 2.5 feet out from the front wall! I think the stuffing will reduce output a bit, but the NAD C372 can handle the extra load.
I guess what this really points towards, is to skip the DCX and build a sub with a small footprint. The extra funds freed up, by passing on the DCX, can go towards a more capable driver and more power. I'm thinking JL 8W7 and a BASH 500, vice 10W1V2 and BASH 300.
Something to think about. Annunaki, if you're reading this, I appreciate the effort you put into the under-couch design. What do you think about my present train of thought? Hopefully, it won't look like the train left the tracks...