I don't need to defend my statements any further then the proof that the industry allowed an admitted child rapist to show his films.
Tell me how the guy who worked the camera on Titanic did so.
Heck, tell me how Arnold Schwartzenegger did so.
They distributed and allowed his work to be shown after the fact in hopes that they could profit from it. There is nothing more imoral and degenerate then that. As a collective group they had a moral responsibility to stop this pedophile from profiting futher until he had at least served his just sentenance according to law. They chose otherwise and turned a blind eye.
OK. Let's discuss "collective group".
Have you watched any of his movies? Have you watched any movies from an distributor of his movies? Have you had money in any bank that invested in any stock the benifited any company that distributed his movies?
Then you are, by your own standard, guilty.
Where was the outcry from all the moral and decent people in hollywood to ban anything from this scum from being shown?
I provided you a link from Schwartzenegger. Why would someone out-cry for something going the way it should (he's arrested). Why would someone add the press to the victim she doesn't want when it doesn't effect an outcome?
You seem to be criticizing people for making sound judgements, and not wasting time railing to get what they already got.
You want a few facts well here are a couple for you. Why is it that hollywood keeps pushing filth on our children and our families when it is family friendly films that are the top money makers? This can be proven with box office records. Are they really stupid at business or do they have an agenda?
That's not a fact, that's a question. I would, however, be interested in seeing how you feel "hollywood" is forcing your choldren to watch filth.
That said: if you don't like the movie don't go. If no one likes the movie, they won't make more. It does take money to make anything.
Why is any religious person more often than not portrayed as evil or bad in most movies? There are many, many examples of this. Not many examples of positive religious role models in movies from hollywood.
Define "many". Shall I start with the Charelton Heston movies, move through basically every King-Arthur movie (except perhaps the last one), then cover every movie about clergy changing lives from comedies like "sister act" through to tragedies like "to kill a priest". Then I can hit almost every religions movie ("The Ten Commandments", "The Passion of the Christ") and supernatural movies ("The Seventh Sign", "Left Behind", "The Rapture", "Constantine"). The list goes on and on and on.
But again, you went looking to find something and so you found it.
And the latest trend out of hollywood is portraying our military in a bad light. It is always some evil military plot that is the cause of the evil.
Most recent movie with millitary people I saw was GIJoe. Before that was Transformers.
Heck, let me just take a look at the current movies on Google.
GI-Joe. Mentioned. Good Guys.
Inglorious Bastards: Haven't seen it, I understand it to be about a bunch of millitray guys trying to save the world by killing hitler. Good guys.
Hrm. Not that many out there right now. Going through my favorits list (again from Heartbreak Ridge to Blackhawk Down to Saving Private Ryan), I don't see it. Even when I manage to find examples of it, it's either "The other guy's millitary" like "Enemy at the Gates" or (usually with Vietnam movies) groups within rather than the whole ("A Few Good Men", "Full Metal Jacket", "Apocolypse Now", "Dr.Strangelove", "Catch 22", "The Guns of Naverone", "Bridge over the river Kwi"). Then there's some of my fac TV shows. Right now NCIS. Classically including "Black Sheep Squadron" and "Hogan's Heros".
Contrary to popular belief, there are a lot of vets in hollywood, and many many more who have donated thousands of hours to our vets. You disrespect their good work with your generalizations.
Perhaps you should look at the quote at the bottom of your own posts. It's from the famous President and Hollywood actor: Ronald Regan