Where is there? Frankly, it doesn't seem to me that MLS is going to address the raffles any more than he already has. That's to say, he's going to look towards the future, silently address the mistakes without fanfare while generically saying there've been difficulties and errors made but he's learned from them. The Mark McGuire, Sammy Sosa philosophy.
When he's not unloading trucks, posing for pictures, and fielding the phones, Field Marshall Steidle will oversee enemy troop movements and anything that appears threatening will result in deletions. Continued attempts to question the Fatherland will result in bans with IP bans if necessary. Permanent expulsion to the icy winters in Siberia. Unterscarführer Skeeter will follow MLS around and interject appropriate comments of awe and admiration while he conducts basic counterintelligence at TCA and alerts MLS on matters of national security. Hauptmann Quintana will perform remedial tasks, aiding in sundry forum matters while occasionally expressing extreme umbrage on how the world is looking to destroy the hard working men and women who have bunkered down in Castle Schifter. If successful, and business picks up, he will look towards a fully paid promotion. General Johnson will maintain a low presence while overseeing customer satisfaction, holding meetings so that the staff can get their stories straight when Schifter goes AWOL. Propoganda which was successful in the past - illnesses, travel to oversee quality, entertaing visitors from around the world, picking up visitors from the airport - will continue but with more discretion albeit with greater refinement.
Generous industry comps will continue to be offered and relationships with existing instruments of favorable reviews will look to be strengthened with discretionary visits to the forum rooting Schifter and AV123 on towards victory. Extreme caution will be excercised in not allowing products to receive reviews that incorporate measurements.
With the forum under control, the dissenters largely banished except for the sporadic border crossing, a new group of customers will populate the forums. Eventually, detractors will grow tired, post less, and threads will close. A move to a new hosting site will result in a loss of old information and threads. Appropriate apologies will be issued and only fractional information will survive.
Of course, I could be wrong. He might go to jail.