What I find interesting about Religion is how easy people are to believe a certain religion and diprove all others and each religion is either their way or the highway.
Take Mormons for instance. Their leader Joseph Smith who was a con man and convicted of child molestation is run out of town and hides in the hills and comes back two years later with this story about magic rocks and telling his story of how God spoke with him. When tested about these "magic rocks" the story was never the same even though Joseph should've been reading the same lines word for word if he truly were the only one who could read from them. So he builds a following who a few years later try to kill him and his brother and pretty much all of his followers leave finding out he is nothing but a con man and had duped his flock. But a few stick by him and the overtime convince more people and now we have the Mormons and some of their offbread shoot who apparently still believe in child molestation and multiple wives.
I know a very devout Jew and her and her family refuse to use electricty or cars from Friday at midnight till Sunday at midinght or after dark I forget. I asked her where it says in the scripture that thall shall not use electricity or automobiles and she says it doesnt. But because of their interpretations they have these bizarre restrictions. And I will never get the not eating pork thing. Mmmmmmbacon
Then there's the TV evengalists whyo preach from on high all the while asking for donations (cause their jets and Rolls need gas) Then we have all the priests in the news diddling little boys.
To me religion has become a business and is run by the biggest conmen of all time, and yet weekly millions go to church seeking salvation and an answer to all the prayers which as far as I know still haven't come, but I have to have faith that Rapture will come and all the good ones will go to heaven and all the bad will stay here in pergurtory. Well lets' recap what I know, so far, All the ultra religious are some of the meanest judgemental people I know, their leaders when not ruining a childhood are taking their followers money and the followers are like sheep doing what their leaders tell them.
Meanwhile as an agnostic, I judge people on their actions and help those I immediatly come into contact with, wether it be a person stranded or a homeless man who needs a few bucks for a meal (even though I know he'll buy booze) I don't molet kids and have never guilted anyone to try and make a profit.
Now when rapture comes, I think who has a better chance of getting in. The agnostic who was true to himself and tried to help others but had doubts in his faith or those who claim to have faith but commit a multitude of sins. The things that make you go Hmmmmmm.