I'm currently studying theology and am a protestant Christian. I also happen to love earth science. I'm not a 6-day creationist and if you'd like to discuss that I'd be more than happy to give my reasons. It's only fair for me to state my position.
This is an interesting thread for me as I see universalism pervading our culture. The idea that there is no absolute truth leads to anarchy almost any good philosophy professor could convince you of this better than me. There are certainly absolutes and science greatly demonstrates this with the law of Gravity. If you want to try to defy it. Good Luck.
From a faith perspective I view God's law(see Deuteronomy) as equal to the law of Gravity. The Good news(Gospel means good news) in my belief system is that Jesus emptied himself of his divinity(kenosis theory) to become a man and die so we could be freed from the penalty of God's law if we believe(holistically). It's pretty clear that the Christian belief system must be exclusive. Reasons Jesus wouldn't need to come if there was another way and Jesus states he's the only way.
On hell their are two primary views of hell in Christianity. There is the fiery place of punishment or the cessation of existence.
I've experienced and experience the presence of God on a daily basis so to me his existence is as sure as the Sun, Neptune or black holes. I understand many folks haven't experienced that so I wouldn't expect you to share my belief. Before I followed this system of beliefs I was a really messed up guy. I had dropped out of college from an addiction, and wasted years of my life being a deadbeat.
My greatest gift is oration so now I have a future and plan. I understand the system is difficult to believe this is acknowledged in the new testament actually. I'm not here to condemn anybody. I'm here to help others even if I can come across narcissistic. I've got no issues hearing other people's story or getting to know them. I also have no problem answering questions via PM. I don't have all the answers and the more I study the more I don't know. I seek to live my faith, by helping out the poor and being as kind as I can.
Thank you all for being my friends even if it's just online. I'm glad for the community that is AH and the diversity of it. FYI the media gives our extremists and wackos most of the attention so remember that when you see a church on the news. For every crazy there are probably 10-100 nice people.
But the point is belief, religion, or faith is an experience built on truths a person subscribes too. In our system it can be so strong that torture and death won't bring renunciation. This has been demonstrated throughout history. The system has been used to abuse people in the past, but I think if a person reads the new testament you will find those abuses go against the teachings of the book. This is why Scripture is my primary norm for theological belief.