Controller vs. Mouse?

Omega Supreme

Omega Supreme

I am going to be purchasing a bluray player before the end of the year and I am trying to decide between a standalone player or a ps3. I do some pc gaming (FPS) now but when I have tried playing console games at friends houses or in stores I suck at using the controller. On the pc I can use my mouse and in less than a second I can head shot someone. On a console using a controller it takes me several seconds to even get my crosshairs even close to shooting someone. My question is does it get easier using a controller or should I just stick to pc gaming?


Audioholic Overlord
I am going to be purchasing a bluray player before the end of the year and I am trying to decide between a standalone player or a ps3. I do some pc gaming (FPS) now but when I have tried playing console games at friends houses or in stores I suck at using the controller. On the pc I can use my mouse and in less than a second I can head shot someone. On a console using a controller it takes me several seconds to even get my crosshairs even close to shooting someone. My question is does it get easier using a controller or should I just stick to pc gaming?
Controllers aren't very quick. Not like a mouse. You gotta leanr to handle the delay and sensitivity.

I think the best shooter ever for a console is Gears of War for the 360. But Resistance is pretty good and very long.

Honestly I'd wait until the slim comes out and pick that up.
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
I have always been a PC gamer but I did buy an Xbox just over a year ago. I have gotten better with the joystick but I still much prefer a mouse. A joystick simply cannot match the speed and acuracy of a good mouse on a good surface.

The nice thing is that when you're playing on a console everyone else has the same handicap.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
i played resistance 1. once. couldn't shoot for chit.
it's now resting on my bookshelf as a bookend.

i was also looking for that easy-mouse shooting on PC FPS games.
are people just super geekos to play FPS with the controller or will i learn after a few decades of training in shaolin mountain?


Audioholic Warlord
i played resistance 1. once. couldn't shoot for chit.
it's now resting on my bookshelf as a bookend.

i was also looking for that easy-mouse shooting on PC FPS games.
are people just super geekos to play FPS with the controller or will i learn after a few decades of training in shaolin mountain?
You will never be as good as a mouse user. Ever.



Audioholic Spartan
My wife got me a 360, that I didn't really want.
I couldn't get used to the controller; just too many years with a mouse.
It's been sitting back in the box for two years. Plan to give it to my brother.


Audioholic Intern
You will never be as good as a mouse user. Ever.
I've seen people using a controller that would destroy people using a mouse. The mouse is by far alot easier though, as it's pretty straight forward - point and shoot. The controller requires you to train your thumbs to move as you want, which can be very frustrating coming from pc shooters. I have CoD4 on pc and got WaW about a month or 2 ago for 360 and I think I'm just about getting on par with my mouse skills now. Granted I'm not the best fps player but I also never played console shooters either.
Omega Supreme

Omega Supreme

I would say my controller skills are about 20% of my mouse skills. What do you think they would be say after a few months of use? 50% 80%. I know this is pretty subjective so I guess I’m asking what is your ratio from mouse to controller. I have been waiting for years for the ps3 or Xbox to come out with a mouse/keyboard controller but it looks as if that will never happen:-(


Audioholic Jedi
It will take more than a month to get good with a controller compared to a mouse, but you can get to about 80-90% IMO. Adjusting the sensitivity of the controller can often help as well, but it pretty much comes down to playing the game and getting used to the capabilities of the controller and the game itself on the console.

There are already mice controllers for the PS3; there have been for at least a year. They ain't cheap though, compared to a standard controller.


Audioholic Overlord
It will take more than a month to get good with a controller compared to a mouse, but you can get to about 80-90% IMO. Adjusting the sensitivity of the controller can often help as well, but it pretty much comes down to playing the game and getting used to the capabilities of the controller and the game itself on the console.

There are already mice controllers for the PS3; there have been for at least a year. They ain't cheap though, compared to a standard controller.
The wii is supposed to be amazing with shooters. You can literally point and shoot. Honestly they should use that style of control. It makes no since you use a person's thumb to aim. Shooters are the one area where they went backwards IMO. Duck Hunt was simply aim and shoot.


Audioholic Jedi
They have a motion controller coming out next year, and it is supposed to be the most accurate one (but requires the PS Eye).
Omega Supreme

Omega Supreme

That ps3 mouse is pretty pricy and has mixed reviews. I forgot about the motion controller but it seems a little gimmicky to me. I guess we will have to wait and see.


Full Audioholic
I've seen people using a controller that would destroy people using a mouse. .
Sure, someone that is amazing at using a controller can destroy someone that is average or even good w/ using a mouse, but given equal skill levels I don't see how there could be any way that the mouse user wouldn't rip the controller user a new one.


Audioholic General
Playing a FPS with a controller is like opening blister package with your bare hands. After a while you just want to kill someone.....


Senior Audioholic
It will depend on your skill, but after a couple of hours I got the hang of it in Gears of War. At the end of the campaign I good much better at it. With a few months clawing the controller I'm way better, but it is still difficult to make headshots in a second.
It will never beat a mouse, but after you get the hang of it it really does not matter anymore, it may be slower than a mouse, but everybody is playing by the same rules. It does not detract from the gaming experience.


Audioholic Overlord
It will depend on your skill, but after a couple of hours I got the hang of it in Gears of War. At the end of the campaign I good much better at it. With a few months clawing the controller I'm way better, but it is still difficult to make headshots in a second.
It will never beat a mouse, but after you get the hang of it it really does not matter anymore, it may be slower than a mouse, but everybody is playing by the same rules. It does not detract from the gaming experience.
GofW is the best FPS I've ever played.


It will never beat a mouse, but after you get the hang of it it really does not matter anymore, it may be slower than a mouse, but everybody is playing by the same rules. It does not detract from the gaming experience.
Having grown up on Atari, NES, SNES, Sega, Sega CD, Gameboy, PS2, N64, Gamecube and finally PS3 and Xbox 360 ... I can safely say controllers are vastly superior to a keyboard mouse combo.

But really - in FPS there's a lot more to winning than just executing a headshot. I can guarantee you on Halo I never (well, rarely) sit still long enough for you to headshot me. A lot of it is simply how well you know your surroundings and the abilities of the weapons and character you are playing with. And on games like LOTR Conquest or Halo Wars I'm still much faster on a controller than anyone I've seen on a keyboard.


Audioholic Overlord
Having grown up on Atari, NES, SNES, Sega, Sega CD, Gameboy, PS2, N64, Gamecube and finally PS3 and Xbox 360 ... I can safely say controllers are vastly superior to a keyboard mouse combo.

But really - in FPS there's a lot more to winning than just executing a headshot. I can guarantee you on Halo I never (well, rarely) sit still long enough for you to headshot me. A lot of it is simply how well you know your surroundings and the abilities of the weapons and character you are playing with. And on games like LOTR Conquest or Halo Wars I'm still much faster on a controller than anyone I've seen on a keyboard.
I stink at FPS games because I have terrible coordination. I can play a good Madden game though. When I'm focused I can compete with most people.

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