Let's not get too wrapped in looking to find the one, single word that describes MLS or AV123. Go into a Mustang forum and you'll find very enthusiastic people that'll bash Corvettes at the drop of a hat. While I think the very strong enthusiasm has had a tendency to forestall critical discussions of the many issues that surround the company and founder, this enthusiasm has been greatly diminished. The relatively freewheeling nature of their forums is now rigorously monitored.
Now I didn't start this thread, but it's important to keep in mind that one of the moderators at its very inception indicated they'd like to keep the thread open. Presumably, for so long as it takes that people with monies due, products due, replacements that have taken an inordinate amount time to be addressed, and I guess issues that speak to the restitution of an unknown amount of monies. Just as chemical enhancement has tarred all sports and even all athletes, the actions here have also thrown tar upon the many companies looking to carve out a niche. IOW, let's not jinx this.
If we can avoid silly squabbling and nit picking, then perhaps our concerted voices can bring about a satisfactory resolution and proper accountability.