I don't know if you remember Randy (I wish you'd use the same damned nick everywhere!!!

), but a fellow did post in another website that he'd run a D&B on AV123 and at the time he found AV123 was running 90 days late in payments.
MLS has also mentioned with great flourish various people that he's brought on board to do work. Now, some information I get on my own. Some I get from people emailing me what they've dug up but choose to remain silent. I did receive an email that suggested to me that one of the people he had employed was only employed for approximately 1/2 year before getting full time employment at another ID company. PM me for details. He did not give the impression that he'd been stiffed. Merely moved to a more stable and full-time gig. Sean though judging from a thread that was sequested on TCA, did indicate he was owed substantial amounts. Other past employees seem to have been compensated in a timely fashion.