I think I will have to see this one again because my observations are, like the movie, fragmented. There were parts l really liked, but I was distressed at all the potentially interesting characters that were left hanging. Too many characters, not enough time. As a fictionalized history, it violated that rule that you don't change major world events unless it is a sci-fi movie about an alternative universe. Everybody knows that Hitler, et al were NOT killed in a theater in Paris. The dynamite-strapped terrorists were out of time period. I loved Colonel Landa, as a Nazi fixture, the cagy, effeminate detective, looking out for himself. Great character. Actually my favorite part is where the movie changes just as all hell is about to break loose in the theater and we see the Jewish woman ranting as the flame burst forth. That part of the movie was like a wish fullfillment...seeing Hitler and his cronies hoisted up by their own petards. And...I liked the old 1950's Euro-styled shaky credits and crudely recorded music in the beginning and ending credits. So, do I like it? Yes. As one who is NOT a big QT fan, this was my favorite of his flix.