

Audioholic Field Marshall
I'm waiting for the VSX-21 and/or 23 to be released, my man! Once they are, I'll probably get one.
Oh gotcha. Sorry - since I live in storage room B, I wasn't aware they weren't released yet. :D


Audioholic Jedi
I'm going to call another store (other than Best Buy) tomorrow to see if they have an estimated release date. I haven't seen them online, yet, but I haven't checked so far this week.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I'm going to call another store (other than Best Buy) tomorrow to see if they have an estimated release date. I haven't seen them online, yet, but I haven't checked so far this week.
Too bad they haven't come around and started selling Elite things on Amazon.

Maybe it has been a while since I was receiver shopping, but I also haven't ever seen an Elite for sale online - from an authorized dealer that is.

They are supposed to be shipping "July 2009" so you should be able to snag one soon. I am excited for you.

Living vicariously through others is something that I am giving a try until I can buy more cool stuff again down the long road to the December-region! :D
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Audioholic Slumlord
Receivers shmaceivers, I want another installment of Monkey's in the Ceiling. I would really like to find out more about Strube since he guards his identity like it was national treasure. Oh what I wouldn't give to be awaiting him in his driveway listening to Tom Jones as he leaves the house to go to work like I had been sitting there for hours on end ... waiting. :D


Audioholic Spartan
Receivers shmaceivers, I want another installment of Monkey's in the Ceiling. I would really like to find out more about Strube since he guards his identity like it was national treasure. Oh what I wouldn't give to be awaiting him in his driveway listening to Tom Jones as he leaves the house to go to work like I had been sitting there for hours on end ... waiting. :D
I don't care what his true identity is...Leeroy will be who we want him to be!:mad::D


Audioholic Jedi
Oh what I wouldn't give to be awaiting him in his driveway...
I think that it would freak him out more to come home from work to find a toy stuffed monkey sitting on his pillow. Or, worse yet, wake up to that. :D


Audioholic Jedi
I just called another store here in town that will carry the VSX-21 and VSX-23. The guy said that they were told end of August was when they'd be receiving them.

One more month, babee.


Audioholic Jedi
Turns out, Best Buy has the VSX-23 in stock. I had them hold one for me today, they were going to take $50 off, and I drove there after work. I spent about ten minutes looking at the model in their Magnolia room, though, and I just wasn't impressed. Perhaps a wonderful sounding unit, but I wasn't taken by the look or by the remote, so I decided to save my $900 and think about it. I think that the only thing that it would buy me is audio over HDMI, so I don't feel too bad about it.

On a positive note, Best Buy is near a liquor store that carries the Agave Wheat beer that I like, so I went into that store for the first time. While there, I made what I would consider a huge find - they carry La Chouffe! I have never seen it in Tucson before, and I've been relying on mail orders and personal deliveries by family members (when they come to visit) for years. They only had one bottle in the size that I'm used to seeing, but they had quite a few smaller bottles that I've never seen before. I got the large bottle, as the smaller bottles were about 11oz and cost $4.59/each. I got another Belgian beer that I've never heard of, and I might partake of that tonight.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Turns out, Best Buy has the VSX-23 in stock. I had them hold one for me today, they were going to take $50 off, and I drove there after work. I spent about ten minutes looking at the model in their Magnolia room, though, and I just wasn't impressed. Perhaps a wonderful sounding unit, but I wasn't taken by the look or by the remote, so I decided to save my $900 and think about it. I think that the only thing that it would buy me is audio over HDMI, so I don't feel too bad about it.
You're missing out on not just any audio over HDMI, but HD audio. Oh, the humanity! :D

On the subject of AVRs, my dad had to include his 3808CI and projector in his house sale, so he is probably going to order the AVR-4310 from electronics expo for $1499 with a handy dandy 25% off coupon. We will see if it is worth the extra $$ over the 3808. I have a feeling it won't be. Just a note on remotes, if you weren't impressed by the Pioneer remote, you would be excessively disgusted by the Denon remotes, because they are complete s**t. This is why most of us Denon users have aftermarket universal remotes. Just ask the Dawg...

On a positive note, Best Buy is near a liquor store that carries the Agave Wheat beer that I like, so I went into that store for the first time. While there, I made what I would consider a huge find - they carry La Chouffe! I have never seen it in Tucson before, and I've been relying on mail orders and personal deliveries by family members (when they come to visit) for years. They only had one bottle in the size that I'm used to seeing, but they had quite a few smaller bottles that I've never seen before. I got the large bottle, as the smaller bottles were about 11oz and cost $4.59/each. I got another Belgian beer that I've never heard of, and I might partake of that tonight.




Audioholic Jedi
Are you serious about the Denon remotes? The remote that comes with the 3808 is one of the big things that attracted me to it and the 4310. I was thinking about going big or going home and getting the 4310 this weekend, but not if the remote is junk.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Are you serious about the Denon remotes? The remote that comes with the 3808 is one of the big things that attracted me to it and the 4310. I was thinking about going big or going home and getting the 4310 this weekend, but not if the remote is junk.
No sir, I am pretty serious. Tried my 3808 main remote for about one use and hucked it into the closet in favor of the secondary one that also came with it, until I had my universal one programmed.

You are probably sick of my opinion, but I don't think you should choose your AVR based on the remote. IMO, you should just get a Harmony One like the Dawg and my dad has (they are nice, I prefer URC), or something similar from URC and get the AVR based on other criteria. I really like my URC200 or whatever it is. If you read reviews on Amazon for the 3808, most people take away a star based on the primary remote, and the secondary remote (I am guessing it is for zone 2) is far more usable. Maybe Denon is assuming you will get a better remote, just like TV mfgs are assuming you have better speakers, I don't know...

Anyhoo, perhaps with the 4310 they have improved the remote control. I guess my point is maybe you are missing out on some great features because of what amounts to a fixable problem. I am not sure you can get better than the Denon 4310 (at least at $1499), but if you can, the upper tier Pioneer Elites would be the ones to best it. Either way, the remotes are the weak point.
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Audioholic Jedi
As always, thanks for the info, Strube! That's disappointing about those remotes. I really liked the looks of the primary remote. My Pioneer remote works great, but the new ones aren't as ergonomic, IMO.

Is the 25% off coupon that your dad is using available to anyone, or was it a special promotion for him? If it's universally available, would you please let me know? Thanks!


Audioholic General
On a positive note, Best Buy is near a liquor store that carries the Agave Wheat beer that I like, so I went into that store for the first time. While there, I made what I would consider a huge find - they carry La Chouffe! I got another Belgian beer that I've never heard of, and I might partake of that tonight.
I KNEW you had good taste!!!!!:D

Let us know what you thought of the new Belgian Ale. I myself am always on a quest for new Belgian Ales, especially those by the Trappist Monks. They sure did like their beer!!!:p
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
As always, thanks for the info, Strube! That's disappointing about those remotes. I really liked the looks of the primary remote. My Pioneer remote works great, but the new ones aren't as ergonomic, IMO.

Is the 25% off coupon that your dad is using available to anyone, or was it a special promotion for him? If it's universally available, would you please let me know? Thanks!
Hey Adam. This thread link has a coupon over at and it will make the 4310 1499 after coupon so it is a 25% off sale. Common man. You know you want it.:D


Audioholic Jedi
I KNEW you had good taste!!!!!:D

Let us know what you thought of the new Belgian Ale. I myself am always on a quest for new Belgian Ales, especially those by the Trappist Monks. They sure did like their beer!!!:p
Thanks! I'll definitely let you know what I think of it. I was tired last night that I just fell asleep and didn't try that new one, but I'll do that tonight. The bottle is cool regardless (it's a ceramic bottle with an attached stopper), so I won't mind too much if it isn't that great.

Hey Adam. This thread link has a coupon over at and it will make the 4310 1499 after coupon so it is a 25% off sale. Common man. You know you want it.:D
Thanks, Craig!!! Well, thanks - and you're a bastard. :D Now I have to seriously consider it. :) I do like the looks of those Denons...


Audioholic Jedi
Hmmm. The 3310 for $1000 or the 4310 for $1500. I've looked at Denon's comparison chart, but I can't tell if I'd be giving up anything that I'd care about.


Audioholic Overlord
Denon remotes are awesome looking and just plain cool.

Just don't try and use one because they are horrible.
Are you serious about the Denon remotes? The remote that comes with the 3808 is one of the big things that attracted me to it and the 4310. I was thinking about going big or going home and getting the 4310 this weekend, but not if the remote is junk.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Ok here are my reasons why you should go with the 4310.

1) Two HDMI outputs so you can add a projector and have a regular monitor.
2) One front HDMI jack so when you get a new video camera or want to hook your laptop up it will be easier.
3) Full AL24 processing
4) BurrBrown 24/192 Dacs
5) Audyssey MultiEQ XT
6) Direct mode for Pure analog paths.
7) USB port Ipod compatible.
8) Better remote

To me the first 2 and #7 are the most important. I'm not sure how much the AL24 or better DACs will make a difference but it will not hurt.

It also weights 6lbs more (If Seth is listening:))

Edit: It also has Anchor Bay VRS video processing.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Hey Adam. This thread link has a coupon over at and it will make the 4310 1499 after coupon so it is a 25% off sale. Common man. You know you want it.:D
Thanks for saving me some Googly leg work Craig. Now I don't have any excuses not to get cracking on research. :D

Thanks, Craig!!! Well, thanks - and you're a bastard. :D Now I have to seriously consider it. :) I do like the looks of those Denons...
Good luck on seriously considering. We are the spend-your-money-on-cool-new-stuff support group, so if you need to talk, we are here for you, buddy :).

Did I mention I have to live vicariously through your system upgrades? I did. Okay, just checking. :D


Audioholic Jedi
Denon remotes are awesome looking and just plain cool.

Just don't try and use one because they are horrible.
That's the same type of endorsement that you gave your MPS-1. Oh, man. Now I don't want to even touch a Denon.

I did notice again that the 4310 is built in Japan, versus the 3310 being built in China. Another plus for the 4310, IMO.

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