

Audioholic Jedi
No I will not stop you only say....... Why? I thought you went throught the pros/cons and the Pany was a better buy for you.
I may or may not get it. The reviews would indicate that the load times are very quick and that the door opens quickly. My Panny seems to take a long time to open the tray door. I'm going to time it tonight.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
I may or may not get it. The reviews would indicate that the load times are very quick and that the door opens quickly. My Panny seems to take a long time to open the tray door. I'm going to time it tonight.
Load times are very fast. After going from a super slow 1400 this one seems like it loads just like a regular dvd player. The only ones I see a delay are the animation flicks (cars, rat movie, kung fu panda).

I will listen to mine tonight to see how much noise it makes. My fireball has a fan that is fairly loud so I've always attributed any noise from the rack to that.


Audioholic Jedi
I'd like to clarify the noise issue. The noisy aspect of the player is only when it's first loading. It's not loud at all when it's playing a disc, so it doesn't bother me. I mentioned it before because I wasn't expecting that noise during loading and, since I had just gotten it, didn't know how loud it would be while playing different discs.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Ahh ok sorry. The Oppo does make a noise when it loads and reads the disk. Same reading noise as my 980. It also makes the same noise just before opening the tray.

My last word on the Oppo is kind of what I said before. It is the first Blu-Ray player I have had/used/played with that acts like a regular dvd player. All the others were slower, buggy or the response time was so bad that after you hit a button nothing would happen (eject disk) so you would press it again and the player would do the function twice (open then close).


Junior Audioholic
I notice the time frame on my BD-60 taking a while for the tray to open but thought it was normal for entry level players.
BDP-83 has been on my mind though since it's public release.

I may or may not get it. The reviews would indicate that the load times are very quick and that the door opens quickly. My Panny seems to take a long time to open the tray door. I'm going to time it tonight.


Audioholic Samurai
Try working with my Pio BDP-51. That's pretty slow. Not painfully slow, and not man, I need to part with $500 for the Oppo slow, but still pretty slow. I hear the new Sammy's are built for speed as well.



Audioholic Jedi
Good morning Adam. Any new thoughts on changing players?
Hey, Craig. Well, Amazon ran out of stock on them, so I wouldn't be able to get it by the impulse buying feeling is past. :) So, I won't be thinking about it too much until they get them back in stock.


Audioholic Jedi
My financial sphincter opened up, and now I just want to buy stuff.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Ha! :D I appreciate it, but "opened up" wasn't meant to imply a gaping hole. :p Perhaps "less tightly clenched" would have been more accurate.
Ah! I gotcha.

How about this then?


EDIT: It has HDMI and... wait for it...

...spring clips to connect your rear and center speakers!



Audioholic Jedi
Spring clips? Awesome! I've been searching high and low for some of those bad boys.


Audioholic Jedi
I'm starting to get pretty interested in the release of the new Pioneer Elite receivers. The cheaper ones, of course. :)


Audioholic Samurai
I'm starting to get pretty interested in the release of the new Pioneer Elite receivers. The cheaper ones, of course. :)
I love mine, for what it's worth. It seems much more dynamic than my Marantz 8001 did. Not sure why. You'd be remiss to not at least check them out. :)


Audioholic Samurai
I'm starting to get pretty interested in the release of the new Pioneer Elite receivers. The cheaper ones, of course. :)
Yeah, after our discussion yesterday, I had a look at the new line-up. Pretty nice indeed....


Audioholic Jedi
I just called Best Buy and asked if they had the VSX-23 (because I don't know when it's supposed to come out), but they don't. That would have been sweet if I could have picked one up today. :)


Audioholic Jedi
I got my new Apple wireless keyboard yesterday (I gave my other Apple wireless keyboard to my parents last year...only to have it sit in their closet unused ever since :)) and was watching Netflix and posting on AH with my MacBook connected to my new Panny last night. I just researched how to use my MacBook as a wireless bridge, and it looks like I'll be able to connect the Panny to the ethernet port on the MacBook and check out some of the internet features of the TV. I'm looking forward to that.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I just called Best Buy and asked if they had the VSX-23 (because I don't know when it's supposed to come out), but they don't. That would have been sweet if I could have picked one up today. :)
I didn't know Best Buy sold Pioneer Elite stuff. I almost bought one before I bought my Rotel, but at that time you had to get them at Soundtrack (aka Ultimate Electronics), at least in this area. Hmmm.

I have been anti-Best Buy for years though so that might explain it. When I shopped for TVs I went there to see them all on a wall (in their oh-so-poorly calibrated states) and to tell all of those snot-nosed, blue-shirted losers more about the product they were trying to sell than they would ever know. My most common conversation was, "Can I help you?" to which I would reply, "I seriously doubt it." Then I ordered the one I wanted from the local A/V store for much less $$$. :D

I got my new Apple wireless keyboard yesterday (I gave my other Apple wireless keyboard to my parents last year...only to have it sit in their closet unused ever since :)) and was watching Netflix and posting on AH with my MacBook connected to my new Panny last night. I just researched how to use my MacBook as a wireless bridge, and it looks like I'll be able to connect the Panny to the ethernet port on the MacBook and check out some of the internet features of the TV. I'm looking forward to that.
That is always handy. I set that up for a friend that didn't want to buy a $100 wireless adapter for his Xbox 360 to get it online, it worked out quite nicely.
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