Maybe my brother will chime in on this one. To me, he always seems to be knowledgeable about this stuff and have a good perspective on it.
Well, I
probably qualify as an Apple fanboi.
I'm a mod on a Mac forum. I have... 10 or so Macs in the house (most of which aren't connected). And various iPods and iPhones and AirPorts. I generally am a fan of Apple's software. I love their OS.
That said...
Safari 4 crashed on me about five times while I was trying to make a post on here a few days ago, which just served to make me even more upset at the time, so I'm not able to convincingly say that it does not suck. On the other hand, every browser sucks in some way or another (Firefox is a lot slower at Javascript than Safari, Chrome has issues with certain sites, IE is so insanely slow it makes me vomit [and IE8 still has issues], etc.).
All told, I can't say I'm a complete fan of 4. I find it to be worse in some ways than 3. However, it's stunningly quicker for Javascript, it has better SVG support, it's faster in most ways, and it works in some cases that other browsers do not. So I'll stick with it. But... if they don't find a fix soon for the crash issue on Audioholics, I'll start surfing (here) from Firefox.