Hi Frank,
The Before/After graph you posted was the result of one of a couple of three position EQ's run by SVS's Doug McBride in my HT this past June. It was done using a pre-production unit and even though Doug had written the AS-EQ1 manual for SVS, at that time he was a little shaky on the setup procedure. We only used the two in one out method and that is the graph result I posted. At the time, I was unaware that the After results were (as Gene correctly states) very low rez and theoretical rather than actual post EQ measured response.
They are the same type graphs the Audyssey Installer Kit (that I purchased and returned) and MultEQ-XT generate and unfortunately they are (IMHO) nothing more than a marketing device.
As I mentioned to you in the other thread, I ran Audyssey many times (both using the MultEQ-XT of my Integra and then using the Installer Kit) and found the results were inconsistent and often detrimental to my systems sound.
That said I am reasonably happy with the Audyssey MultEQ-XT as done with my new Integra DHC-80.1 processor (without the Installer Kit). I was able to see the low frequency results using my SMS-1 and even slightly tweaked a couple of frequencies to make the bass sound better at more seat locations. Of course, I was strongly influenced by the SMS-1 "blinking lights" display so take these comments with a grain of salt.
As always, YMMV