Whenever there's an argument where there is disagreement, it is insufficient for either party to accept the others opinion on their word. It may be so, or maybe not. In order to convince somebody, you need to back up your claim. So in this case, a good double-blind experiment. If you are either unwilling or unable to perform this test, you cannot expect other people to believe you. Not because what you say is per definition wrong, but because the claim that there is no audible difference is a well-supported and proven hypothesis. Your claim is not backed up by irrefutable evidence. Hence, your point of view is poorly supported.
This doesn't mean you're wrong per se, it means it is most likely that you are wrong and most likely the others are right. You dismiss the placebo effect directly. Your experience with the battery-warning sound is not sufficient. We first of all have to take your word for it that it really happened. Second, I also tend to hear minute sounds such as cell-phone adapters and I still don't hear a difference between cables.
So, you can tell us all you want but you cannot expect us to believe you. Which we really don't and continuing to repeat your argument really doesn't help.
Also, I do not agree with the notion that if people are happy with a product, companies can go on selling them. Quackery in any form should be stopped because it appeals to emotion and not fact, discolors the view of newcomers to an area with non-facts, and gets people rich over the backs of the uninformed, the ignorant, or the gullible. If you want to buy brand-X or Y that's fine with me. But many people get scammed in shops by salesmen pushing people to products that do not have any added value to their function. You cannot expect everybody to be fully informed all the time .
This is why I protested against the positive review of this cable. If the review would have said you get no improvement of the sound quality and pay a very hefty sum for a nice connector and a new shiny cable, that would be an honest conclusion. The lackluster and nearly indifferent attitude against this cable from this audioquack is disappointing to me. Sifting through the review to pick up a few 'objective' fragments is insufficient. C'est le ton qui fait la musique. And not the cable.