Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Samurai

I'd love to post all sorts of sortid and lewd descriptions of what happened last night, however, I'm not a very good fiction writer. The two co-workers drove home for some dumbass reason (like about 110 miles, or roughly 170km for Haraldo), and then my wife drank too much so her stomach has full and the room was spinning.

Of course, I let her go to bed...pass out...

...and then I turned the lights out.

Couldn't be much worse of an ending, right? I guess at least she didn't ralf on me.


Audioholic Warlord

I'd love to post all sorts of sortid and lewd descriptions of what happened last night, however, I'm not a very good fiction writer. The two co-workers drove home for some dumbass reason (like about 110 miles, or roughly 170km for Haraldo), and then my wife drank too much so her stomach has full and the room was spinning.

Of course, I let her go to bed...pass out...

...and then I turned the lights out.

Couldn't be much worse of an ending, right? I guess at least she didn't ralf on me.
Thank you very much for converting to Metric system for me :D
It could be much worse I guess..... you're still married... yes?


Audioholic Warlord
Pizza is on the way.

This is my last pizza!!! I will not say why because the pepperoni has already hit. Anyway i thought i got to know some cheese but really i Know no cheese. I guess i let my guard down somewhat, Anyway good luck to some of the mushrooms. I will check in to the menu every so often because some items are very tasty.

good bye
pizza bread sticks :D

Yep, waiting for the delivery guy and bored out of my skull. Fret not Harald, Vizionut will be back but where is Adam? If he ever got a g/f he would be like MIA ^10. Sheesh, I'm gonna go watch TV.

Problems typing and quoting the right post..... The right thing to write was:
I DON'T BELIEVE YOU when you say it's the last pizza


Audioholic Warlord
What can I say.....

I have an ex girlfriend now, and she's still in my house, she hates me and.....
hmmmm, makes for an interesting weekend :D
Don't even try to make me explain, it's waaaaaaaaaay to complicated now

Could be better, but it could be worse too
Anyways, life will be extremely good in future, life is what you make out of it and decide for :D
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Audioholic Samurai
...yes I'm still married, and have a date night tonight.

and Haraldo, if life was never tough you wouldn't appreciate the good times. I think you have the right attitude, although I can see how your living arrangement could add a bit of strain to your life.


Audioholic Slumlord
I'm warming up some of the LAST PIZZA EVER !!! :)

Harald, I saw your place in the member's system gallery and I must say that she did alright for herself. It's nice of her to let you stay there. Seriously Harald, this pizza heated up in the oven is better now than last night. :D

Chris, I'm glad to hear that things went well. Date night is like when you take your 'wife' out? Didn't you do enough of that when you were dating? :confused:


Too funny!! I'm here at work and we have the radio on that monitors the Military Police station and a white dodge durango with OK plates was just pulled over here on post.

Why is that funny? Because that same durango driven by some female yesterday about clipped me on my bike on the way to work yesterday. She was doing about 90-95mph in a 65 and apparantly I didn't get over fast enough for her. Kicker is she also works for JAG so that ticket will probably disppear.
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Audioholic Samurai
I'm warming up some of the LAST PIZZA EVER !!! :)

Harald, I saw your place in the member's system gallery and I must say that she did alright for herself. It's nice of her to let you stay there. Seriously Harald, this pizza heated up in the oven is better now than last night. :D

Chris, I'm glad to hear that things went well. Date night is like when you take your 'wife' out? Didn't you do enough of that when you were dating? :confused:
When you have a 4 year old and an 8 month old, it's more about grown up time out and about than it is about romancing. :eek:

The last thing I would ever want is a stale marriage. Life is too short to start out with a wife only to have her become a female roommate.


Audioholic Samurai
On another note, I have an interview next Tuesday. Not sure if the job will be a good fit (could be a lot of travel), but we'll see.


Audioholic Samurai
To me travel time is hard needs to be compensated for the most as it's an expense in itself and even though it's not 'work', your time goes into it. For me the money would have to be much better.
I think the money could easily go into 6 figures, depending on how many certs I can get. I'm not necessarily interested in the money, because another 30-40k a year won't be able to replace the lost time with my kids if travel is that much. Ya know? I was hesitant to apply, but I think there aren't many candidates that align with what they are looking for. I'm not exactly flourishing in my current job, and I need to break the mold a little bit and go out and push myself.

We'll see how it goes.


Audioholic Warlord
...yes I'm still married, and have a date night tonight.

and Haraldo, if life was never tough you wouldn't appreciate the good times. I think you have the right attitude, although I can see how your living arrangement could add a bit of strain to your life.
Working on it..... I just promised a few things..... and I never go back on things I promised, even if it nearly kills me, so..... I'm sticking to this and trying to sort this out, quickly !!!!!

I'm going out of this with my head high and shoulders raised :cool:

And Married + Date? hmmmmmm hope it's what I'm thinking.... Date with your wife

I'm warming up some of the LAST PIZZA EVER !!! :)

Harald, I saw your place in the member's system gallery and I must say that she did alright for herself. It's nice of her to let you stay there. Seriously Harald, this pizza heated up in the oven is better now than last night. :D

Chris, I'm glad to hear that things went well. Date night is like when you take your 'wife' out? Didn't you do enough of that when you were dating? :confused:
Wow, thx.... this is the Alex I know :cool:


Audioholic Warlord
I think the money could easily go into 6 figures, depending on how many certs I can get. I'm not necessarily interested in the money, because another 30-40k a year won't be able to replace the lost time with my kids if travel is that much. Ya know? I was hesitant to apply, but I think there aren't many candidates that align with what they are looking for. I'm not exactly flourishing in my current job, and I need to break the mold a little bit and go out and push myself.

We'll see how it goes.
Very very good luck to you :D
You get what you really decide for, at least sometimes.......


Audioholic Slumlord
Wow, thx.... this is the Alex I know :cool:
Somehow I get the feeling that you don't mean that in a good way but I'm not gonna hold that against you. How do you guys communicate? She must speak English or you both speak German.

I suggest that you start mumbling 'oo-bee choo te'.
It means 'I'm gonna kill you'. :D

She will warm right up. ;) :)

What amazes me is that as horrible as Kiev is, you and your place are not good enough. :rolleyes:

I'm getting myself all worked up over this.
Let's just say that I'm not a fan of the Eastern Block until it comes to their shot putters.
Remember this one?



Audioholic Warlord
Somehow I get the feeling that you don't mean that in a good way but I'm not gonna hold that against you. How do you guys communicate? She must speak English or you both speak German.

I suggest that you start mumbling 'oo-bee choo te'.
It means 'I'm gonna kill you'. :D

She will warm right up. ;) :)

What amazes me is that as horrible as Kiev is, you and your place are not good enough. :rolleyes:

I'm getting myself all worked up over this.
Let's just say that I'm not a fan of the Eastern Block until it comes to their shot putters.
Remember this one?

I actually meant this in a good way, it's the sarcastic part of me coming out.....

She's speaking russian and I'm speaking Norwegian and English so.... misunderstaning is always imminent
no, seriously, English communication has been the most perfect I ever experienced....
(I even had a $2000 phone bill, and that was just for a short while, that's when skypeout came into the picture)

99.9% of the time communication is perfect, and we always completely understood eachother... then the remaining 0.1% everything breaks down in a way that killed everything.....

Small small thing may break sth perfect :eek: You may build sth over a long extended period, and then sth happens, and everything is shattered in 5 minutes......

I should learn sth from this, how fragile things are, even what that may look unbreakable, may break with a twitch of a finger........

I have been in Kiev 8 times within the last 11 months, and even in that absolutely horrible city, things were so fine.... but then these small stupid things happen...... it's like there is a devil somewhere trying to screw things up, we do all our best but everything just goes to hell and there's nothing anyone can do with it....
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Audioholic Warlord
Yep, date with the wife. I can't afford a girlfriend, I have too many expensive hobbies. ;)
he he, sounds nice :D

I can't understand what's happening and what's wrong with me :eek:
I broke up with the most wonderful person I ever seen in my life, she's absolutely from another world....

And I'm just sitting here similing, looking forward into the future :D

Perhaps it's because of the subwoofers that I'm thinking of building with 18" long throw woofers (WmAx said he would design a perfect cabinet for whatever I find, what a guy :D.... )..... think it will be 12 - 14 cu ft :eek:

Perpahs it's because of the thought of a fully digital frontend with digital filters

Or perhaps it's just that somebody gave me back hope..... there are other "fishes in the sea" :D
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