Definitive Tech Speaker Owner's Thread



Also, what receiver should I go with these speakers? I might get them either from 6ave or onecall with price match but we'll see. This is my first HT system and I'm only planning to do 2.1 at the moment but I will pick up the subwoofer sometime later.

What other accessories do i need? Audio cable (what kind and where to get), HDMI cable (same questions), RCA/Coaxial cable (?) to connect it to my DVD players and CRT TV, and any recommendation of DVD player that would be a good match for the system? Or just get an upscaling Sony DVD player from bestbuy is fine?

Sounds Good

Senior Audioholic
without reading through all 29 pages of def tech goodness... does anyone own the AW650 outdoor def tech? i think i might go that route on my patio....


I called hoping to get price match but they declined right away. Onecall FTL!! I will call 6ave tomorrow..


Gravy, trust me I live in AZ, what 6th ave will do is tack on a 50.00 shipping charge to each pair, so you will still get a great deal 248.00 + 50.00 =298.00/pair delivered to your house on the 450's. So 900.00 for 3 pair, still a fantastic deal for great speakers. And since they are an authorized dealer, you get the warranty. I ordered a pair last month and had it delivered (took about a week) for 298.00 for the pair.
Which store did you call to get them shipped? I'm having a problem finding a store that want to ship it. The online phone number cannot sell it as it's retail only.


Audioholic General
GomGom, I just called 6th ave and talked with a rep there who said it is reatil only but if I was willing to pay 50.00 flat shipping fee that he would send em out to me. I would call em back and tell them what I told you, because they did do it for me (along with a member on AVS, his post is on one of the last few pages of that thread, anyway he paid 300.00 also with shipping, so they do do it.

Now about that 10" sub, it's not a sub at all but a 10" passive radiator which means there is no internal amp, it's not hooked up to anything, basically it's just a driver that doesn't do anything but act like a port plug and helps achieve tighter bass control than a port plug. Hence why the 450 will only go down to 47Hz. You can cross them over at 50Hz but I have mine crossed at 60Hz just to be on the safe side. They do blend in well with my towers (with built in amps) and my SVS sub quite well, but yes you will definatly need a subwoofer with the 450's (heck I feel you need a sub with the BP7001's and those have 1500 watt subs built in.)

But give 6th a call and tell them that others have gotten the 248.00 deal as long as your willing to pay 50.00 in added shipping. Cool thing is that there is no tax whatsoever, it's just a straight 298.00/pair delivered.


I ended up calling all the 6ave stores in NY and NJ and finally one store said that they will check the shipping cost and get back to me. Others will not take CC on the phone. Hopefully I can get them shipped by that store.

What sub do you recommend with low budget? Also, do you think Yamaha RX-V465 is a good receiver for DT SM450? How about the speaker stand?


Audioholic General
Well low budget is subjective. With subs you get what you pay for. For around 500.00 I would look at at the SVS NSD 10, for around 200-300.00 an DIY sub from parts express and if money is real tight, Fry's electronics has the Velodyne 10" sub for around 130.00 from time to time. But I would highly look at at either the DIY sub or SVS.

I hope ^th ave will help you out, they shipped it out to me with no issues whatsoever and they accepted my CC, wonder why they changed their mind.

The Yamaha should be just fine, the 450's (and all DT speakers) are highly efficient and I believe the 450 is 91db at one watt/meter, so any reasonable reciever should drive them just fine.


Audioholic General
GomGom, BTW Glocksrock has a slightly used SVS NSD 10 for sale (he's also a DefTech fan) so PM him and he may be able to get you a great deal on an SVS which are fantastic with DT speakers.


Well low budget is subjective. With subs you get what you pay for. For around 500.00 I would look at at the SVS NSD 10, for around 200-300.00 an DIY sub from parts express and if money is real tight, Fry's electronics has the Velodyne 10" sub for around 130.00 from time to time. But I would highly look at at either the DIY sub or SVS.

I hope ^th ave will help you out, they shipped it out to me with no issues whatsoever and they accepted my CC, wonder why they changed their mind.

The Yamaha should be just fine, the 450's (and all DT speakers) are highly efficient and I believe the 450 is 91db at one watt/meter, so any reasonable reciever should drive them just fine.
I'm not familiar with DIY yet so I'll try to look around a good sub for it. As for the receiver, do you think the Yamaha is the best for the buck for me or you can suggest me another better alternative?


Audioholic General
Well DIY subs are the best bang for the buck, they are just kits and if your handy with a screwdriver, you can put one together in about 1/2 hour and have a sub that will beat out most anything in a store. So don't let DIY be frightening, they are very very easy to assemble. But as mentioned check out Partsexpress .com and look at what they have to offer.

Yamaha is good, so is Onkyo (I would shop Shoponkyo for soem great refurbs at great prices. If you can get ahold of a Onkyo 705 or even better 805 refurb, then you will have more than you will ever need. You have to remember that most recievers at a certain price range all pretty much offer the same sound and features (the 805 is the exception to that rule since it matches recievers costing 3X as much.) With recievers look at features that will appeal to you within a certain price range.


Well DIY subs are the best bang for the buck, they are just kits and if your handy with a screwdriver, you can put one together in about 1/2 hour and have a sub that will beat out most anything in a store. So don't let DIY be frightening, they are very very easy to assemble. But as mentioned check out Partsexpress .com and look at what they have to offer.

Yamaha is good, so is Onkyo (I would shop Shoponkyo for soem great refurbs at great prices. If you can get ahold of a Onkyo 705 or even better 805 refurb, then you will have more than you will ever need. You have to remember that most recievers at a certain price range all pretty much offer the same sound and features (the 805 is the exception to that rule since it matches recievers costing 3X as much.) With recievers look at features that will appeal to you within a certain price range.
Thanks Matt, I will look around for the DIY. Mind to share what parts do I need to make a good one without costing too much? If it's only installing with screw driver like IKEA, it's a piece of cake, hopefully.

I check shoponkyo and even the 606 refurbish is about $100 more than the Yamaha RX-V465. I don't think I can afford 706 for now. How the Yamaha compared to 606?

I checked the classified section and found a member selling his wharfedale evo 30 for $450, do you think it's a better deal than DT SM450 or not?


Audioholic General
The DIY sub comes with all you need inlcuding driver, cabinet and amplifier, it's just a matter of screwing it all together, you are saving money, because there is no marketing, no assembly charges and of course no tax on the net. So you can easily build a 200.00 sub that would match subs costing 2-4X more in stores.

Speakers are subjective, what you may like I may hate, so I can't comment on the Wharfdales you mention. I would prefer buying the 450's not only because they are great speakers but come with a warranty. But don't let that dissuade you, if you find speakers that sound great to you at a good price snatch em up.

When talking reciveers, i was thinking of last years models on refurb Shoponkyo and Accessores4less always have the 605,705 and 805 on sale for a great price. But if the Yammie has the power and features you need, then buy it.


The DIY sub comes with all you need inlcuding driver, cabinet and amplifier, it's just a matter of screwing it all together, you are saving money, because there is no marketing, no assembly charges and of course no tax on the net. So you can easily build a 200.00 sub that would match subs costing 2-4X more in stores.

Speakers are subjective, what you may like I may hate, so I can't comment on the Wharfdales you mention. I would prefer buying the 450's not only because they are great speakers but come with a warranty. But don't let that dissuade you, if you find speakers that sound great to you at a good price snatch em up.

When talking reciveers, i was thinking of last years models on refurb Shoponkyo and Accessores4less always have the 605,705 and 805 on sale for a great price. But if the Yammie has the power and features you need, then buy it.
$200 DIY sub? I saw the $399 DIY dayton sub at but not the $200. What configuration that would compete with SVS 10" sub with $200 budget of DIY?
Well, it's kinda hard for me to audition everything because most stores in my area does not have Def Tech or Wharfedale speakers. If the 6ave can ship it to me, I would give it a try without auditioning it first. I'm sold when you compare it to B&W 800 series because I like how 600 series sounds like.


Audioholic General
Sorry it's been awhile since I visited partsexpress (could've sworn they had a 200 DIY sub. But for 400.00 I would be looking at saving 50.00 more and going for the SVS sub. What do you mean by configuration? Basically when it comes to subs cabinet size, port size, driver size and amp all are considered. Granted I would choose the SVS over the DIY, but when you get up in price than DIYer can easily take over, even an SVS. I heard a IB sub that cost 1500 that easily beat out the SVS PB13 Ultra, but overall I would do a search on DIY subs and see if you can get the price lower.


Here a page for subs at PE, check out the Dayton sub 120 with 150 watt amp and 12" driver. You could buy two of these for 300.00 that would beat out alot of store bought subs.
One of that is not enough? I pm'd the guy that you referred who sells his SVS sub and hopefully he can give me a great deal. how much do you think a used that SVS worth? I never knew that Dayton can be a good sub in HT because they are just an okay brand on car audio.

Do you think car subwoofer can be used in HT? I have Focal 15" 38KX subwoofer but it's passive sub. :p


Audioholic General
No car subs are not good for HT (totally different ball game there.) Also you never want to use a passive sub with a typical reciever. I suggest dual subs to help with null voids and increase overall bass output as compared to one sub. Placing a sub on opposite sides of a room ensure that the bass is throughout the room. In my room when I had one sub placement was an issue because if I had the sub in front, bass was lacking in back and vice versa. So i bought the BP7001's to place up front and use te built in subs and place my SVS in back and now bass is awesome throughout. The one SVS should be fine in small to medium size rooms and you should be good to go with that. Especially since the 450's can achieve 50Hz bass, so overall you should be good with one sub and those speakers, but if your a basshead, then dual subs may suit you fine.
From what I hear Dayton makes fine subs for HT use, I have never heard them, but they have alot of positive reviews (4.5 out of 5 with over 130 people rating them is pretty good numbers especially for a 155.00 sub)


Audioholic General
Also SVS subs hold their value very well (mainly because not many people part with them. You can buy them new for 450.00 so you can go from there, but members here are pretty honest and wouldn't screw you out of a good deal, hopefully Glocksrock will treat you fair. He''s a long time member who has helped many, so I seriously doubt he would screw you. I have done many many transactions with members (here and S&V forums) and all went without a hitch and both parties were always satisfied.


In your opinion, would I be better off buying a single SVS 10" sub or a pair of that Dayton sub for $300? I think SVS would cost me more than that.


In your opinion, would I be better off buying a single SVS 10" sub or a pair of that Dayton sub for $300? I think SVS would cost me more than that.
There is someone here on the forums selling a used pb10. Forget who exactly.

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