I wonder how many people even realize the "federal Reserve" is simple a name of a private bank?
No different that Federal Express..
We will be seeing some very rapid changes as the population looks for blame and quick fix schemes. Just what the Elites wanted
Rest assure nothing. You are saying to give government the power, and put trust in that they will not abuse it? Did you catch the story of the 5 year old boy who shared the same name of a XX year old man who was on the no fly list? TSA agents interrogated him and his mother... They told his mother she wasnt allowed to touch him, becasue the boy was a, "National security risk" and feared she may be transferring counter ban to and fro.. Check it out.
This is just the beginning
Heres how to prevent resistance to a world power take over.
1. Disarm the public of weapons
2. Prevent Free Speech through media blackouts and distractions
3. Put in place FEMA camps ready and able nationwide
Good bye constitution, goodbye United States, hello North American Union.