.....I'm not trying to draw this thing out, or make it some kind of drama....I've been waiting on a reading to be taken, and it doesn't really matter to me if it's taken or not....here's what I'm doing and calling it.....
.....I'm cross-wiring my surrounds out-of-phase, and using bridged amp channels to push them....I'm using bridged channels from a Mac MC58, which has 8 channels rated 30 at 8, a multi-channel....but, specs of the 58 say 100 watts at 8 when two of the channels are bridged....why didn't it give a rating at 4?....don't kid yourself, nothing magic is happening....the 8 ohm speakers are still getting hit with 4 ohm bullets, but the bridged-effort can't be rated 4-ohm stable, because of small amp-sections....anyhow, the impedance-change of the bullets will change the impedance of what's cast from the 8 ohm elements of the speakers....I've already established the only place I want an impedance-change is coming from the indirect, and this certainly fits the bill and personal requirements.....
.....yes, I have my surrounds cross-wired out-of-phase with bridged amp channels pushing them....the surrounds are being tastefully applied on everything, and I love the result....I didn't need more watts at all....I needed a change of impedance, and authority given to the effects of cross-wiring.....
.....I hear a speaker go more efficient when it's cross-wired out-of-phase....measurements taken even yet, may bring that theory down hard, but I'll just be thinking, ok, my theories are blown out of the water, but I guess I'll just keep listening this way because I love it's realism.....
.....one needs two 2-channel amps that will bridge, or a multi-channel amp where 2 sections will bridge....I'm thinking about that smallest Behringer as what would be good to have a couple of.....
.....this would be best applied using front mains, center, and surrounds of the same line, and you really need separate gains on the amps to achieve balance from the surrounds.....
.....the surrounds end-up volumed roughly the same spl-levels as before, and a little less than before is probably where you'll settle....marvelous effect on the front soundstage....running bridged channels to the surrounds without cross-wiring the speaker brings crispy authority to the front soundstage, but running bridged channels "and" cross-wiring, brings crispy honey poured all over the front soundstage, and the realism-change on the front soundstage is staggering.....must hear to understand.....
.....my speakers up front honestly have seemed to go up in value as per sound-quality, imo....in my Daughter's and ex's opinions also....they hear fine, know stereo stuff well, especially my Daughter, and both said they heard a big difference once they got used to hearing the surrounds, as I turned them on and off at the multi-channel amp.....
.....if interested, rig it up, set the levels of the surrounds as best you can honoring the front soundstage as before, and go to your listening position....a willing wife can then fine-tune the surrounds as you sit in your spot, and she can turn the surrounds' amps off for you to hear what you'll probably not want anymore.....
.....that's it, nothing magic....just an application of a different impedance from the indirect, and it sounds awfully good to me....I went through a larger spill in a thread somewhere else about this concept, and no one posted as having tried it at all, or even posted to the concept, as to what it would bring in their opinon....oh well.....
.....important words....tastefully applied....whew, sorry about the length....anyone making it this far, thanks....no proof.....