Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Samurai
Hmmm. 44 posts to go. That's not going to be quite as easy. :)

Don't those receivers look a lot different from each other, though? Watch your back...she's just waiting for the right moment.
Well, honestly, I just cancelled the order. Even though I picked it up for $838 to my door, I couldn't see enough difference between the SC-05 and my Marantz SR-8001. Maybe I'll buy a Sage HD Theater to quench my upgraditis.


Audioholic Jedi
Well, honestly, I just cancelled the order. Even though I picked it up for $838 to my door, I couldn't see enough difference between the SC-05 and my Marantz SR-8001.
:( Why? Why have you done this to me? I was living vicariously through you, man! Heck, I can not buy something on my own. :D

Can you tell us where you had placed your order? That's a sweet price for that unit (isn't it?).


Audioholic Samurai
:( Why? Why have you done this to me? I was living vicariously through you, man! Heck, I can not buy something on my own. :D

Can you tell us where you had placed your order? That's a sweet price for that unit (isn't it?).
Sorry to let you down. But the reviews I read seem like I'd be trading off some things of my Marantz for bells and whistles on the Pioneer. Maybe I'll wait until next year's Pioneer Elites to see what's up. :)


Audioholic Jedi
I passed out. :D
I think that you need more electrolytes. Me, too. I actually starting shaking and feeling lightheaded about three minutes ago.

Perhaps we should develop and start marketing Forumade.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Seagate just released a 500GB, 7200RPM hard drive for laptops - nerdgasmic!

I want one. That way I can have all of the lossless music I am currently re-ripping at hand whenever necessary.


Audioholic Spartan
If my dad can give up holiday cookies, and you can give up smoking, then I bet that you can switch your eating habits until your next series of tests. Best of luck, man.
I've had to give up coffee.:(


Audioholic Spartan
My results for blood sugar and lipids just came back. The numbers were not good at all but my blood pressure is fine and an EKG showed normal. I've got 3 months to reign this in before my next tests.

It looks like red meat, dessert and breakfasts of 1/2 a dozen eggs with a pound of bacon are now things of the past. My g/f is really diggin' her time in 'I told you so' heaven. It's not like I ever said eating 32 ounces of beef at a clip was good for you.
I feel your pain, Alex.

I have high BP. It's hereditary though and I have to take medication for it. I thought at first if I lost some weight, watched what I eat and exercised it would get better. So I did all that and lost 20 pounds (down to 175lbs @ 5'11") and no change.:(

Well then I got stupid and stopped and got up to 200 pounds. So now I'm exercising again. I can't let my health go or it will cause a problem the older I get. So I ride the stationary bike 3 times a week for 30 minutes each. That and I stopped drinking soda at work. It's not much but it's a life style not a diet. I'll slowly lose weight and in 9-10 months I'll be 25 pounds lighter. I have to work on eating healthier also but I draw the line at veggie corn dogs!;):D

If you're not working you are not moving as much as normal so you intake has to be adjusted. Exercise cures alot of evils but you already know this.:)

Oh I would tell your g/f that she was right and for that you'll let her be on top tonight!:D

Take care,


Audioholic Samurai
I'm officially on Spring Break. Lots of beer, wax (redoing my car via the suggestions earlier), and more beer.

Oh yeah, it's also the PAC-10 Tournament. GO DEVILS!



Audioholic Jedi
I've had to give up coffee.:(
Sorry to read that. I misread it at first, and thought that you said, "I'd have to give up coffee." I didn't realize that you actually did. Bummer.

I just took a nap for about two and half hours. Ahhhh. Feels goooood.


Audioholic Samurai
Nap time would be alright!

I'm watching Madagascar in Blu with my oldest son. We lol everytime at the movie. There really are benefits to being a simpleton!

I'm sure he'll grow out of it though. Ahahahaa!


Audioholic Samurai
Nap time would be alright!

I'm watching Madagascar in Blu with my oldest son. We lol everytime at the movie. There really are benefits to being a simpleton!

I'm sure he'll grow out of it though. Ahahahaa!
That damn Tanqueray turns me into a fool! And it makes me quote myself!


Audioholic Samurai
Nap time would be alright!

I'm watching Madagascar in Blu with my oldest son. We lol everytime at the movie. There really are benefits to being a simpleton!

I'm sure he'll grow out of it though. Ahahahaa!
That damn Tanqueray turns me into a fool! And it makes me quote myself!
Is that against forum policy?

Ok, I'm stepping away from the keyboard.
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