Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Jedi
I sense that we'll be overtaken by a barrage of religious posts. Must divert attention.


Oh, wait. Probably only about ten people read this thread. We're good. :)


Audioholic Slumlord
Grundle munching ... mmm ... LOL, that should keep them at bay.;):D


Audioholic Jedi
I have a dirty Keurig. Doesn't sound quite as tempting as a dirty French press. Mine sounds more like it would involve a dungeon...and a cup.


Audioholic Slumlord
My results for blood sugar and lipids just came back. The numbers were not good at all but my blood pressure is fine and an EKG showed normal. I've got 3 months to reign this in before my next tests.

It looks like red meat, dessert and breakfasts of 1/2 a dozen eggs with a pound of bacon are now things of the past. My g/f is really diggin' her time in 'I told you so' heaven. It's not like I ever said eating 32 ounces of beef at a clip was good for you.


Audioholic Field Marshall
My results for blood sugar and lipids just came back. The numbers were not good at all but my blood pressure is fine and an EKG showed normal. I've got 3 months to reign this in before my next tests.

It looks like red meat, dessert and breakfasts of 1/2 a dozen eggs with a pound of bacon are now things of the past. My g/f is really diggin' her time in 'I told you so' heaven. It's not like I ever said eating 32 ounces of beef at a clip was good for you.
My condolences on the end of tasty food, sir. Glad to hear that the BP is ok though.


Audioholic Jedi
It looks like...breakfasts of 1/2 a dozen eggs with a pound of bacon are now things of the past.
:eek: What the? Holy cow, dude. I don't think that I could eat that much in a day, let alone at one sitting. That's impressive.

Alex, I hope that the results are better next time. It's tough to quit eating things that you're used to, but there are plenty of other good things to eat. Might I recommend veggie corn dogs? :D

On a more serious note, my dad (who has a serious sweet tooth) gave up sweets starting last November - so including the holiday season - to try to lower his "bad" cholesterol. Sugars are what give him problems in that area, apparently. It worked like a charm for him when he got retested. If my dad can give up holiday cookies, and you can give up smoking, then I bet that you can switch your eating habits until your next series of tests. Best of luck, man.


Audioholic Jedi
This has got to sting - the pig that got spared because you aren't eating bacon is now eating the cake that you can't have!

[I just couldn't resist. :)]


Audioholic Slumlord
Thanks guys. I'm not worried about it and I will get the numbers where they are suppose to be. I'm sure part of the problem is that over the last couple of months I have really been going crazy indulging my culinary whims. I've been buying entire carrot cakes from "Gregg's" (if you were from around here, you would know :)) and eating it until I couldn't eat anymore and washing everything down with milk. It has really been glorious. It's just over now like many other things. Apparently dairy fat will send you to cholesterol hell.

The only thing left for me to do is f^%&. :)

I'll be back in 2 minutes. :D


Audioholic Jedi
Everyone is looking at me in the engineering computer lab because this cracked me up so much :D.
I think that they're looking because you're not wearing pants, but maybe that's normal for kids these days.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I think that they're looking because you're not wearing pants, but maybe that's normal for kids these days.
Nah, where these guys are from it is normal. Nobody in here is speaking English, and they are all talking really loud and fast. It is kind of freaking me out to be honest...


Audioholic Field Marshall
My exam is officially done. Now I am going to go throw it in the angry Turkish grad-student pseudo-teacher guy's face and tell him to eat some sort of poo. Then I am going to start spring break by doing nothing school related for the rest of the day, so I can be refreshed to start researching like crazy tomorrow. Movie time...

I do need to graduate to senior audioholic before spring break is over though...


Audioholic Jedi
Congrats, Strube! Enjoy today.

39 posts in a week? I think that you can pull that off. ;)


Audioholic Samurai
I'm trying to graduate to senior audioholic as well. ;-)

And no, my wife didn't kill me because she never found out.


Audioholic Jedi
50 minutes since Alex's last activity here. I actually feel a sense of pride for our boy. :)
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