Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Jedi
Now I can't stop thinking about a dirty French press...and a certain avatar (no, not the monkey, you sickos :D).


Audioholic Slumlord
Right after I put my laundry away I am going to finish clearing the dinning table so that I can use it while I install our water filter. I went with the type that handles VOC's as well. I think that prevents smells. The thread is suppose to be boring, not factual.


Audioholic Slumlord
Now I can't stop thinking about a dirty French press...and a certain avatar
(no, not the monkey, you sickos :D).
I still say you have a better chance with the monkey ... :D
A couple of bananas and ... well, you know ... :eek:


Audioholic Jedi
I was watching Kung Fu Panda, but I stopped it to watch Supernatural.


Audioholic Slumlord
I had to Google Surernatural. I don't think I could handle that. Roll a few commercial in with it and I would be fit to be tied. I briefly caught a glimpse of Oprah and Tyra Banks doing a show about violence against women and I realized that I wanted to unleash my monkey on Oprah and Tyra Banks. I'm not sure why but it just irritated me.


Audioholic Samurai
I had to Google Surernatural. I don't think I could handle that. Roll a few commercial in with it and I would be fit to be tied. I briefly caught a glimpse of Oprah and Tyra Banks doing a show about violence against women and I realized that I wanted to unleash my monkey on Oprah and Tyra Banks. I'm not sure why but it just irritated me.


Audioholic Field Marshall
And,'re on here typing and reading.

Oh, the shame of it all.

Well, I am supposed to be doing a BS take home exam for Experimental Fluids, but I can't figure it out so I sit here and type and read.

Okay, you have a a good point. I should do my exam in the theater...


Audioholic Field Marshall
My projector isn't bright enough to do an exam with a movie on and enough lights on. I guess I will wait till tomorrow, besides, next week is spring break. Whoopity doo dah. I get to research the whole time.

Not the whole time.

I am watching Die Hard With A Vengeance tomorrow.

I will probably watch Iron Man too.

Maybe Layer Cake as well.

Whoopity doo dah? What? I need a drink!


Audioholic Field Marshall
:eek: You sonavu...! Congrats, Chris! I am jealous for sure.
No need to be jealous, he is dead, and it can be yours when she sells it at the garage sale for $10... :D

P.S. I have thanked exactly twice the amount of people that have thanked me. Sounds like I need to get my crap together and help out more around here!

P.P.S. I have posts and thanks and thankeds that are multiples of 111. Don't thank me, I will be here all night.

EDIT: Damn! Someone thanked me! It was you, wasn't it Adam? Oh well. Thanks!


Audioholic Slumlord
I need a drink!
I'm contemplating gooning the NyQuil.

~2 minutes later~

I did it. I gooned the NyQuil, even though it has alcohol in it.
It's going straight to my head.
Alert the media. :rolleyes:

Edit: Sorry to see that Adam wrecked your numerical pyramid.


Audioholic Jedi
No need to be jealous, he is dead, and it can be yours when she sells it at the garage sale for $10... :D
Sweet! I hadn't thought of that.

BTW, is she cute and desperate? No offense to Chris, but he is gone, right?

P.S. I have thanked exactly twice the amount of people that have thanked me. Sounds like I need to get my crap together and help out more around here!
Not at all, my man. You're just a nice guy who thanks a lot of people. Sounds to me like you have your stuff together. :) BTW, your chicklet count reflects far more points than those thanks, so you're doing just fine. :D
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