Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Spartan
sth??? something??? :confused::confused::confused:

Don't mind me. I'm awake and cranky. I wanna say something rude with the word 'blogger' in it, but in a fun/mean spirited way. I started chewing gum. I hate gum. It's a complete waste of time. All this chewing and no eating.

Happy Presidents Day. (I think. :eek:)
Immigrants should mind their own business. :eek:

I am one. :p
Sure, immigrate here and then be grumpy...First you stop supporting our tobacco industry in a time of economic stress and then you knock our gum!

Your such a Blogger...there I said it...:p;):D

Have a nice day,


Audioholic Spartan
Ahhhh. Relief. It took about two and a half hours longer than I had hoped, but the opener is installed. This thing is nice. It's quite a bit better than the one that I had. Quieter and easier to adjust. It slows down a bit before reaching the open or closed positions, which I like.

I can't foresee needing the battery backup on this thing, but it came with it. I haven't installed the wireless outdoor keypad, yet, but that'll be sweet.
Hi Adam, that looks like a nice door opener.

I've got your back; if anyone makes a joke like: "How many engineers does it take to install a garage door opener?"
I'll personally send them a red chicklet.;):D

As far as the battery backup goes. It depends on how you enter your house.
In my case, If I use any door other than my garage door to come in, my alarm goes off. If my garage door won't open, I can't get into the house.
So for my set up, that back-up is a nice idea.
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Audioholic Ninja
I'm freaking out over two different laptop deals.

Compaq CQ60-212 ~$400 @ Staples

HP G50-126NR @ BB

THOUGHTS ?!?!?! :D:eek:

Caffine, lack of nicotine and nonsensical chewing have me all wound up.
I think you should buy one...or both...or none. :)


Audioholic Slumlord
I think you should buy one...or both...or none. :)
Completely merciless.:eek:
Even though that is hilarious I feel compelled to get even with you;).

I had my hopes up thinking, 'Oh good, one of the computer guys is gonna say, "Yeah, get this. It's a great deal and it's super user friendly for all the audio stuff that you could ever want to do with it like REW and DWT3 and here's a link to a wonderful deal on calibrated mic's with super easy instructions for everything."

You sir, will find me lying in wait.:)

Edit: I really must congratulate you. That was F^%&ing Brutal.:D


Audioholic Ninja
Completely merciless.:eek:
Even though that is hilarious I feel compelled to get even with you;).

I had my hopes up thinking, 'Oh good, one of the computer guys is gonna say, "Yeah, get this. It's a great deal and it's super user friendly for all the audio stuff that you could ever want to do with it like REW and DWT3 and here's a link to a wonderful deal on calibrated mic's with super easy instructions for everything."

You sir, will find me lying in wait.:)

Edit: I really must congratulate you. That was F^%&ing Brutal.:D
You didn't think I had it in me, didja? You might have expected this from Adam, but not good ol' Tomorrow. Well, actually you already had earned the brutality. I was just getting even with you. :p

I wake up, make some tea, cheerily look at AH, see your post...and whoa!...I've been waiting for a laptop deal, too. So I look them up, and now I CAN'T DECIDE EITHER. Punk kid ruined my day.

In reality, I think the decision might make itself for me. We have a Staples 25 miles down the road. The nearest BB is 60 miles away.

Now for the WAF permission............:eek:

(Does that get me off the RevengeIsADishBestServedCold List?) :D


Audioholic Slumlord
You didn't think I had it in me, didja? You might have expected this from Adam, but not good ol' Tomorrow.
So true. He has a mean steak. :D
By the time I get in gear they will probably be sold anyway. :rolleyes:
I'm gonna eat, not smoke and go back to bed.
They just get cheaper if you wait.;)


Whats the matter pork chop do you need more storage? Porn does take up alot of your hard drive...:D:p


Audioholic Ninja
So true. He has a mean steak. :D
By the time I get in gear they will probably be sold anyway. :rolleyes:
I'm gonna eat, not smoke and go back to bed.
They just get cheaper if you wait.;)
The first time I tried to quit smoking I went to sleep every time I wanted a cigarette. Sleep escaping, it was. Didn't work. Then the next time I actually DID quit smoking, I turned to tequila to fill in the blank times. It turns out two packs of smokes exactly equals one fifth of booze. Tekillya after breakfast...when thinking...when talking on the phone...after know, all those times a smoker wants to light up, I got lit up, instead. :eek:

Whoops! 'Twasn't a good idea. Seems that I took a hammer to my liver and just missed killing the thing. Man, I looked and looked for a replacement addiction. EUREKA!! I found it! Cheetos. ;)

Now my only worry is that nasty yellow dye #2 and grease that's left on my fingers (and of course lining what few coronary arteries I have left). :(


Audioholic Samurai
I'm freaking out over two different laptop deals.

Compaq CQ60-212 ~$400 @ Staples

HP G50-126NR @ BB

THOUGHTS ?!?!?! :D:eek:

Caffine, lack of nicotine and nonsensical chewing have me all wound up.
I like the Presario because it has the 64-bit system. The downside is that it doesn't have an HDMI connection like the HP does.

Fry's has a very good performer for $550 in the Phoenix ad.



Audioholic Slumlord
I like the Presario because it has the 64-bit system. The downside is that it doesn't have an HDMI connection like the HP does.

Fry's has a very good performer for $550 in the Phoenix ad.

If I'm reading that right the Pressario has a graphics card and an extra gig of ram.
I'm starting to want again.:eek::D


Audioholic Samurai
Apparently, my IQ is in that range. After following the instructions to install the new mounting bracket, I flip the page to see that I could have used the old bracket with some spacers (that were included with the opener)! Argggg. Seems like they should put that note on the previous page that is the installation step for the new bracket! Then again, I could have read ahead (I did skim the whole manual, but I didn't read each page step by step). :eek:
Aren't you supposed to read THROUGH the directions first?! :D



Audioholic Slumlord
They are sold out.:(
The hits just keep on coming!:mad:
I didn't want a stupid laptop anyway!:rolleyes:


Audioholic Samurai
If I'm reading that right the Presario has a graphics card and an extra gig of ram.
I'm starting to want again.:eek::D
Sorry, no.:( The giveaway is where it states "Up to 1919 MB" for graphics card memory. Neither laptop has a dedicated card. Both are integrated.

Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
I can't wait to go to work that I can use my new garage door opener.
I'm picturing Adam driving in and out of his garage several times smiling at the smooth operation of his new opener and consequently being a half-hour late for work... :D :D


Audioholic General
I'm picturing Adam driving in and out of his garage several times smiling at the smooth operation of his new opener and consequently being a half-hour late for work... :D :D
Back in my day we pulled the garage door up ourselves, and that's the way we liked it.
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