Official Yamaha RX-Z7 Receiver Review Thread



New here, more of a long time reader, first time register-er. Thanks a ton for getting the review up and helping Yamaha find a fix for this issue. I'm hoping to pick up one of these in the next few weeks.

Do you at least get to keep the Z7 for all your hard work troubleshooting? :D

Oh, I had a question. The USB port on the back, what can we use it for? Too much to hope for the ability to plug in a USB wireless NIC?
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I'll join the chorus and thank Gene for the long and detailed review.

Have you considered adding the user manual into the review criteria? A decent manual is as important as a decent remote -- maybe more so since most people use separate remotes. The RX-Z7 manual has its flaws and trips over the English language at times but overall, it's pretty good (and at 160 pages, comprehensive).


Audioholics Master Chief
I'll join the chorus and thank Gene for the long and detailed review.

Have you considered adding the user manual into the review criteria? A decent manual is as important as a decent remote -- maybe more so since most people use separate remotes. The RX-Z7 manual has its flaws and trips over the English language at times but overall, it's pretty good (and at 160 pages, comprehensive).
hmm I probably should though I am the type that files the user manual for future reference and just figure out the product as I go along. I know its not the smart thing to do but I figure if I can't operate most of the functions the product offers without it, then something is wrong with the user interface.


Audioholic Jedi
Have you considered adding the user manual into the review criteria?
That is an excellent suggestion!

hmm I probably should though I am the type that files the user manual for future reference and just figure out the product as I go along. I know its not the smart thing to do but I figure if I can't operate most of the functions the product offers without it, then something is wrong with the user interface.
Most people don't have the experience and understanding of components like you do, though. :) You can whip through those menus and know what is going on, but a lot of users get hung up on terminology or confusing instructions and just stop. Granted, your skill would make it more difficult for you to rate the manual because you'll understand it better than most, so maybe you would need to see how well someone else understands a manual.

Luckily for my post count, a lot of people are like you and don't look at the manual. :D


Audioholics Master Chief
Most people don't have the experience and understanding of components like you do, though. You can whip through those menus and know what is going on, but a lot of users get hung up on terminology or confusing instructions and just stop. Granted, your skill would make it more difficult for you to rate the manual because you'll understand it better than most, so maybe you would need to see how well someone else understands a manual.

Luckily for my post count, a lot of people are like you and don't look at the manual.
You guys are killing me. MY review is already over 9k words. You want me to top out at 10k LOL.

I will make more mention of the manual next time around though I try to give users setup tips within my reviews which is why they can sometimes be excessively long.


Senior Audioholic
RX3900 vs Z7


I'd like to get your opinion about the musical and sound capabilities of the 3900 vs the Z7. I have B&W 802 Nautilus speakers with an older HTM1 Center and SCMS surrounds. I've spent the money on good cables, etc. I had been using a Rotel RSX-1056 and purchased the 3900 a week ago. While it sounds good, I wanted to know if investing the extra money in the Z7 would make a difference? I listen to music in 2 channel stereo mostly and have bi-amped my front speakers.

Is the Amp quality and circuitry on the Z7 better than the 3900? Or is the Z7 just containing better network capabilities, an extra input, etc?

Your opinion or others here would be great. I know separates is the best route, but I am space confined and truthfully didn't want to spend the money on cost of separates and good interconnects...




Full Audioholic
My review is Posted!!

No more whining about it being late. :p
Gene, as always a thorough review, thanks.
Can you please clear up one point ? At the beginning of the review you mention that this is the first Z series being manufactured in the Malaysian facility. On the box of my DSP-Z11 is written 'Made in Malaysia' so did I misunderstand you or did I get a wrong white sticker on the box ?


Audioholics Master Chief

Yamaha just called me and said the FW fix for the HDMI issue will be on their site at the beginning of March. This will also include another upgrade feature to be announced then.

They also told me I could access the other zones remotely via my laptop so I will be testing that and adding a review addendum. I guess next time I should read the manual more carefully ;)

I added a writeup about the Web Control feature on this page:



Yamaha just called me and said the FW fix for the HDMI issue will be on their site at the beginning of March. This will also include another upgrade feature to be announced then.
Thanks Gene. That other feature is probably the Sirius Internet Radio. There was a small piece of paper in the box when I bought my Z7. Great, next month we get a two-fer. :D


Audioholic Intern
Heat problem

Hi, Gene:

Thanks for the great, thorough review. I just ordered my RX-Z7 based in no small part on your recommendation and your prodding Yamaha to fix the video issue.

Question: how serious is the heat issue? I want to place mine on the bottom shelf of the BDI Icon 4938--the receiver will be sitting on the glass shelf, with all sides open (there is a slotted partial wall in the back), with another glass shelf on top. (See image below)

I figure given the height of the receiver, there is probably only about 1 to 2 inches of clear space over the top of the receiver.

Do you think that is going to cause a problem with heat buildup? If so, any suggestions on how to deal with this?

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Audioholics Master Chief
Thanks for the great, thorough review. I just ordered my RX-Z7 based in no small part on your recommendation and your prodding Yamaha to fix the video issue.

Question: how serious is the heat issue? I want to place mine on the bottom shelf of the BDI Icon 4938--an open framed A/V stand--the receiver is sitting on the glass shelf, with all 4 sides open, with another glass shelf on top.

I figure given the height of the receiver, there is probably only about 1 to 2 inches of clear space over the top of the receiver; however, the stand is wide open.

Do you think that is going to cause a problem with heat buildup? If so, any suggestions on how to deal with this?
You should be fine since its open on all sides. Worst case you can add some forced cooling from a company called Cool Components. Good luck.


RX-V2700 and RX-Z7 Measurements

After comparing the measurements between the RX-V2700 review and RX-Z7 review I'm left with some questions as it appears the RX-V2700 output wattage meaasurements seem to outperform the RX-Z7.

How can this be? Were there any differences in testing between the 2 reviews or can the differences be chalked up to testing tolerances? Hmmm...just curious.


Audioholics Master Chief
Can you please clear up one point ? At the beginning of the review you mention that this is the first Z series being manufactured in the Malaysian facility. On the box of my DSP-Z11 is written 'Made in Malaysia' so did I misunderstand you or did I get a wrong white sticker on the box ?
Hmm when I spoke to my contact at Yamaha he said the Z7 was the first Z receiver not manufacturered in Japan. I guess we could both be wrong. I will try to inquire and update the review accordingly.

I'd like to get your opinion about the musical and sound capabilities of the 3900 vs the Z7. I have B&W 802 Nautilus speakers with an older HTM1 Center and SCMS surrounds. I've spent the money on good cables, etc. I had been using a Rotel RSX-1056 and purchased the 3900 a week ago. While it sounds good, I wanted to know if investing the extra money in the Z7 would make a difference? I listen to music in 2 channel stereo mostly and have bi-amped my front speakers.

Is the Amp quality and circuitry on the Z7 better than the 3900? Or is the Z7 just containing better network capabilities, an extra input, etc?

Your opinion or others here would be great. I know separates is the best route, but I am space confined and truthfully didn't want to spend the money on cost of separates and good interconnects...
Those are nice speakers you got. If you don't plan on adding external amplification, I'd probably upgrade to the Z7. I didn't directly compare the 2 but I've been reviewing Yamaha receivers for nearly 10 years now and I know their tricks. The audible differences between the two are subtle but there are differences aside from the added features and processing of the Z7. I personally think its worth it if you're really serious about A/V which I am sure most people here are ;)


Audioholic Jedi
Perhaps the RX-Z7 is the first receiver marketed in the U.S. that is not manufactured in Japan?


Audioholic Intern
You should be fine since its open on all sides. Worst case you can add some forced cooling from a company called Cool Components. Good luck.
Hi, Gene: Thanks for the speedy reply.

Quick newbie question: how would I know if I was having a heat problem--is it like when your computer overheats, you start to see system crashes (i.e., the amps shut down and the sound or video drops out?)

Since heat is the enemy of electronics, should I still install a fan to be safe even if I see none of the above problems, or is that overkill?



Audioholics Master Chief
After comparing the measurements between the RX-V2700 review and RX-Z7 review I'm left with some questions as it appears the RX-V2700 output wattage meaasurements seem to outperform the RX-Z7.

How can this be? Were there any differences in testing between the 2 reviews or can the differences be chalked up to testing tolerances? Hmmm...just curious.
The test data seems pretty comparible with the Z7 being more powerful in 8 ohms and 2700 more powerful in 4 ohms. This is likely due to test and product variances. 20 watt difference represents about 0.3dB difference in loudness.

Quick newbie question: how would I know if I was having a heat problem--is it like when your computer overheats, you start to see system crashes (i.e., the amps shut down and the sound or video drops out?)

Since heat is the enemy of electronics, should I still install a fan to be safe even if I see none of the above problems, or is that overkill?
No operational issues that I observed. Try it as is for now and add a fan if you see any issues. If the internal fan on the Z7 is always running then you probably need more ventilation. Ironically I never heard the fan turn on my unit no matter how loud I cranked it. Perhaps I am just nitpicking too much ;)


Warranty: 5 years???

Is this true from Yamaha?

Warranty: 5 years
This is under the specs on the first page of review

Just wondering since other company's are typically 1 or 2 years.

Thanks Gene.



Z7/Z11 intro clarity

Great review!
Wanted to point out a typo in your intro section, although the RZ-11 does not support Sirius, it is DLNA compliant.;)


A truly excellent receiver

Hi, Gene: Thanks for the speedy reply.

Quick newbie question: how would I know if I was having a heat problem--is it like when your computer overheats, you start to see system crashes (i.e., the amps shut down and the sound or video drops out?)

Since heat is the enemy of electronics, should I still install a fan to be safe even if I see none of the above problems, or is that overkill?

Just picked mine up on Friday and have spent the weekend enjoying it. Mine is in a separate theater equipment room I built along side my actual theater, but in the open shelving (wire rack) that I have in there it has been running as one of my cooler pieces of equipment.

I just want to say that it is a very nice piece of equipment. Not at all crazy about the remote, but everything from a Mozart piano concerto to listening to the DVD soundtrack of Polar Express (Supernova Earthquake subwoofer nearly knocks me out of my seat) has been highly detailed, and quite honestly, superb.

At first I lamented not having multiple subwoofer hookups the way some of my other processors have, but the Supernova really took off and is holding its own quite nicely.

Excellent and thorough review. Thank you.


Audioholics Master Chief
Great review!
Wanted to point out a typo in your intro section, although the RZ-11 does not support Sirius, it is DLNA compliant.
I can't find this for the life of me. Please point out the page and area please. I am sick of re-reading my own review :eek: LOL

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