"i've taught my kids to fear the police and shun the police."
Does that remark not say a lot to you? I love this country so much because someone can spew comments such as that, yet call 911 a second later and get men and women willing to risk their lives rushing to their aid.
Who calls 911,are you refering to me,if so i dont think so,calling 911 where i come from is a complete waste of time,if the cops do show up it will be several hours later,my wife has called 911 before & was told after her 3rd call that if somebody wasnt dying or bleeding to death they were not comming.I reported this instance to the local news station.
If something so terrible is going on around my home that the police are needed we'd all be dead before they arrived,i protect my own home & family with a fenced & gated yard,guard dog, security doors & windows,alarm system and a willingness on my part to immediately put an end any altercation that might lead to a member of my family being hurt,the only time i'd bother calling 911 is to come clean up the mess after i took care of it,and no im not a big tough guy either, i just know that criminals have zero fear of the police.
On one instance my wife,myself & my elderly mother who was in her late 70's at the time were going out to dinner when we got pulled over,the car was in my name & since i have a prison record they "approached with caution ",im used to it so no big deal on my end.
The cop ordered me to exit the vehicle via the loudspeaker on the cop car,then had me lay face down on the wet road,cuffed me with the standard knee in the spine & the customary yanking of my arms as far as possible,again im used to it so no protest on my part i just keep my mouth shut,his partner then went to the car,made my wife who was in the front seat get out of the car & told her to stand on the side of the road while he checked her out,she pointed at the snow bank on the road side then pointed at her feet,she was wearing ballerina type slippers,the cop screamed at her to get her *** over there or go to jail,she did as they told her to but within a few minutes her little feet were freezing so she stepped out on the road which was plowed,at that poing the cop freaked directly out.
The cop rushed my wife yelling at her, asking her if she was stupid & how come she cant understand what he told her to do,when she said her feet were freezing he grabbed her up by the arm,wrenched her arms behind her back,cuffed her & yakned her fast pace walk all the way to the car & through her in the back for disobeying police instructions,my wife is very petite & extremely soft spoken,she's a school teacher,the cop asked her why she couldnt follow instructions,when she responded she spoke very softly which is how she allways speaks & the cop couldnt hear her,i never can hear my wife my ownself she speaks so softly & its frusatrating,he asked her to repeat herself which she did but again in a very low voice,at that point he asked her if she was on drugs,my wife was a school teacher not a drug addict !,all the while im still in the road on my belly.
Now that im on my belly & my wifes in the cop car they move on to my mother,at this point my mother is hysterical from watching what they did to my wife,the cop gets to her & she starts crying & says to the cop "please dont hurt me,im an old woman & i cant be yanked around like that,then she kept saying over & over again to the cop "please dont hurt me we've done nothing wrong,im an old woman & i cant take this,she is absolutely hysterical with fear.
At this point after seeing how their actions were being reflected in my mothers terrified state the cop chilled out,told my mother to calm down & said nobody's been hurt nor is anybody going to get hurt,they were just doing their jobs

After writing me a simple ticket they uncuffed my wife ,but not before telling her how lucky she was that they didnt take her to jail for interfering with a police investigation,then walked back to their car & watched us drive off.
Thats alot of mistreatment of citizens over a simple traffic incident but i guess we deserved it because the cops were only thinking of their own saftey since ive been to prison,right ?
Or how's about the time the police came to my home in response to a loud motorcycle complaint,then shot & killed my dog in front of my children all because the dog rushed the door when they knocked
An internal police investigation cleared the cop of any wrong doing,they went on to agree that the cop was justified in shooting the dog in fear of his own saftey,even though the screen door is a steel security door with no openings large enough to fit yout fist through & would take a battering ram to break down the cop was still justified,right ?
Or when my wife had a flat tire,sher cant change tires so she called AAA like she's supposed to do,while waiting in her car for the tow truck a state cop pulled up behind her,made her fess up her drivers liscense,ran her name & plates then gave her back her ID then split,she had done nothing wrong but the cop saw a chance to check an ID & hopefully arrest somebody who was doing nothing wrong.
I could fill this forum with negative examples ive had with the police, like how horribly my wife & myself were treated by the police after the death of one of our sons,so terrible that my cop friend who was there had to pull the dectectives aside & tell them to chill the F out, but in the end most here would say that ive been deserving of the negative treatment at the hands of the police because ive been to prison,twice

,and that the police are only thinking of their saftey

,thats what happens when you brainwash an entire society into believing that a cops saftey comes before the decent & humane treatment of the citizens they are paid to protect.
Its great you've had good experiences with the police but not everybody has,you can love your country all you want but let the police abuse you or your family a few times & see how you feel,in the mean time dont look down on others who have been mistreated by the police because not everybody fits the mold of the crack smoking street hoodlum or the carrer criminal.