After having some problems (minor) I had two polyps cut out about a year and a half ago at 38 years old. Good thing too. The one was about to go real bad on me according to the doctor. Went back and got scoped again a year later and I was free of polyps. This time the wait is three years to get it done again. The cool thing is that my mom or dad have never had it done and it scared my mom into making appointments for the both of them. My dad was thrilled.

Well she didn't have anything but my dad had a stubborn one that had to be removed by a different procedure at a different time and place. My dad was thrilled.

Anyway His was just in a "corner" that is hard to get to but turned out not to be cancerous. My dad was thrilled. As thrilled as a Pennsylvania Dutch man gets anyway...
You be fine. Just think...That first meal afterwards always tastes awsome!