Useful Update!!!!!!
Folks, thought I would post some stats for those of you whom may be interested:
Colon Cancer affects
All races and
Both sexes.
All persons over the age of
50 are at risk and should be screened.
African Americans* should be screened over the age of
Colon Cancer is
90% treatable
IF detected
EARLY enough.
ONLY takes 5-15 years for
polyps to develop into cancer.
Most shockingly, colon cancer kills
MORE people annually than HIV/AIDS and breast cancer
There is a greater chance of developing colon cancer if someone in your family has had
colon cancer OR has had
With that being said, if
ANY of these apply to
YOU please talk to
YOUR doctor about getting
screened. Remember, the worst part of a colon scope is the
prep for the procedure
NOT the
actual procedure itself. My hope is that this post may end up saving lives.
