Ok, so you opted for a carbine length gas system, which is 1 or 2" shorter than mine (don't recall exactly). If you leave your A4 front sight / gas block, you will have to go with a shorter rail, like a 7" (whatever the length up to the sight actually is) which would be just fine really. I would shoot the rifle a bit with the factory hand guards that come with the rifle, and see if you have enough hand rail for your tastes. If it is enough stock, then an after market rail that is just as short, will work fine too.
There are a couple different options for you
1) There are rail systems that are 10" long lets say, but only on the sides and on the bottom. The top is notched back to fit a fixed sight that is only 7" down the barrel. This gives you more lower grip options and side mounting options, but lets you keep your factory sight/gas block
2) you can hack off the fixed sight portion of your A4 gasblock (removing the sight, leaving the gasblock), and put any length rail over the top of it, then mount a removable front sight. This will save you money on the new gas block, and will let you increase your sight radius out to the length of your rail.
3) you can remove your A4 gas block altogether, buy a low-pro aftermarket, then afix a rail system however long you want. This too will let you increase your sight radius out to the length of your rail.
But once you get into the whole "swap sights, swap gas blocks, add picitiny, change butstock... is where you end up saving a ton of money had you just built it that way to begin with... know what i mean?
Anyway... continuing on. Make sure you get pics up asap