Really Boring Stuff Only

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I saw them Adam looks great. I want to tile my kitchen floor this winter. We will see if I can get to it...:D


Audioholic Jedi
Do you plan on tiling yourself, or having someone do it?

Mmmm. I'm going to go have some more Christmas cookies...


Audioholic Samurai
Absolutely beautiful in Illinois! I'm loving the snowfall and cold weather. Such a nice change from Phoenix.

Just watching my little one cruise through my parent's house and the snow fall in big flakes while I drink lots o'coffee. Life is currently very rough. :D



Audioholic Jedi
It snowed here this morning.

If you look where I live, that statement will mean more. :D
Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
Must be global warming Adam... :eek: ;) It's nearly 70 and windy here in OKC today. The windy part is not unusual - the 70 is... it's a south wind blowing up warm Gulf air according to the mediaurologists on TV. :D


Audioholic Jedi
Must be global warming Adam... :eek: ;) It's nearly 70 and windy here in OKC today. The windy part is not unusual - the 70 is... it's a south wind blowing up warm Gulf air according to the mediaurologists on TV. :D
You're stealing my weather!!! :mad:

Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
You're stealing my weather!!! :mad:

I'll gladly let you have it back - come and get it! :D Sure didn't seem very Christmas-ey yesterday - it was nearly 60 and windy... I miss the IL winters. When I was a kid we'd already have been sled riding a couple of times and have been ice skating on Shank's Pond by now... :(


Audioholic Jedi
It makes me sad that this thread can go over 72 hours without a post.

I don't know why. Perhaps it's because I realize that all you others here aren't actually as boring as me, and it makes me jealous of you...ummm, I mean sad for you.
Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
It makes me sad that this thread can go over 72 hours without a post.

I don't know why. Perhaps it's because I realize that all you others here aren't actually as boring as me, and it makes me jealous of you...ummm, I mean sad for you.
I've been too bored to post in this thread... :( ;) :D


Audioholic Spartan
It makes me sad that this thread can go over 72 hours without a post.

I don't know why. Perhaps it's because I realize that all you others here aren't actually as boring as me, and it makes me jealous of you...ummm, I mean sad for you.
Sorry Adam, but I have no time to be boring now, my life is absolutely 2000% good, so I can't post much here now :D:cool::cool::p


Audioholic Jedi
I am getting very sleepy. It's hard to keep my eyes open.

G'night everyone. Have a good one!
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