So let me get this straight... because YOU don't think its funny, that means that they need to be punished?
Let me ask you a serious question. What if the same cartoon creator, created the exact same cartoon but this time making fun of Jesus. A) would it be ok then? B) should they be punished for that?
Ya see... thats why its so great to live in the good ol' USA. We here live in a free country where we are allowed the freedom of speech. Its perfectly fine to make fun of religions, groups of people, and even our own leaders. You don't have to agree with what such people say, heck, you can even choose to completely ignore them and even consider their speech to be disgusting or defamatory. But the freedom to question, polk fun, and even disagree with others, including religions and our goverment leaders, is one of the founding prinicpals that makes this country free.
I don't get all upset when somebody runs around making fun of atheists either