Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Jedi
One bonus to these installers f-ing up my walls is that I should be less anal about my stuff when my parents come to visit.

"Sorry, Adam. I just put a fork through your wall."

"Eh, it's cool, ese. At least you didn't charge me $4k for it."


Audioholic Spartan
I need to sand the pine floor in the hallway :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

I hate that kind of work.....


Audioholic Slumlord
I need to move a body. I hate that kind of work...
I have an idea that will work for everybody. Go out there and take some pic's for us. I would like to see the paint and tile choices to begin with but those guys seeing you recording the damages will definitely make them more thoughtful. You might mention that you're brother is a lawyer. Every construction animal knows that if a lawyer wants to screw you, it's over..;)

BTW: You're last couple of post have had me laughing right along.
Now get the camera. :)


Audioholic Jedi
I figured that seeing his lifeless coworker on the floor would be enough incentive for the remaining guy. I can go take some pics, though, if you think that will help. :D

I don't want to antagonize these guys while there is still work to do. The tile job looks nice, but the wall damage is annoying me. I'm going to give their boss a call later today. I'll definitely take pics after the job is done.

I just figured that $4k for the job would have involved more professionalism, that's all. One guy told me this morning that they don't have any work because of the economy. Made me think that they wouldn't want bad references on top of that. I was wrong.


Audioholic Jedi
I do not like contractors in my house.:eek:
Or people I don't know....
I am RIGHT there with, Jamie.

Is my stuff more important than my friends? No. Is my stuff staying in good condition better than my friends' two seconds of happiness f-ing with it? Yes. I spend years with this stuff. I don't want to spend years wishing that they hadn't jacked it up. Like when my friends moved all of my remote controls from where they were stored and put them on top of my white MacBook, which scratched it all up. I still can't explain it - it was so random. Moving remotes from a logical storage location to a harder to get to area on top of a laptop (so they'd need to be moved anytime that I wanted to use it).


Audioholic Jedi
Contractors don't like being in your house either. :p
They're going to like it even less when they regain consciousness and find themselves strapped down in the root cellar.

"Please, I don't want to die!"

"Let's see if you still feel that way in three weeks."

[J/K, all you FBI folks cruising the internet.]
Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
Adam you may want to check out Showtime's Dexter for some technique tips. :D


Audioholic Spartan
Well, I'm glad that's done. While you guys were out re-enacing scenes from Hostel with your contractors, I was at the hospital getting some tests done. I assure you guys, you were having more fun than I was.


Audioholic Jedi
I hope that all is well, Dave.

You are correct. My prostate exam is only a mental one. I'll take dinged walls over a gloved finger any day.

Not that there's anything wrong with that...


Audioholic Slumlord
Sweet. Now my house smells like cigarette smoke.
Wow, these guys are something else. My house doesn't smell like smoke and I smoke! :eek:
Maybe it's because you live in the Wild Wild West but in civilized parts of the country you wouldn't dream of firing up in someone's house. This is why I don't have guns. I'm not saying that I would shoot them ... fatally.

You better reach for the rot-gut. Beer ain't gonna fix this. :) ;)


Audioholic Jedi
I don't think that they lit up in my house, but they are smoking right outside of where they have the door and windows wide open. I did check to see if one was holding a cigarette, though, because it smelled so strong.


Audioholic Spartan
I hope that all is well, Dave.

You are correct. My prostate exam is only a mental one. I'll take dinged walls over a gloved finger any day.

Not that there's anything wrong with that...
Thanks. I'll have to wait for the results to come in. Preliminary findings are that it doesn't look lethal at least.:)
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