Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Jedi
I would like to see the paint and tile choices...
Here's a picture of the tile (in progress) in the main entry way, along with a sample of the carpet that will be installed next Friday (shown on top of the blue/grey carpet that came with the house). The colors aren't represented well, but you at least can get a feel for the lightness/darkness of them. The old tile was also bluish grey. So, the new flooring is really going to brighten the place up. I'll take better pics later, along with one that shows the kitchen paint.

Also, they took up the tack strips at the edge of the carpet to put the tile down (the gap in the picture above will be filled with tile), so I could get my first good inspection of the padding under the carpet. Woah. That's some crappy stuff right there. The new carpet on the top-of-the-line padding is going to be a substantial improvement. I already sleep on my floor as it is, so it'll be like getting a new pillow-top mattress. :D




Audioholic Jedi
In all the tiling commotion, I forgot that my wall plates and binding post inserts arrived today from Parts Express. I still have yet to open the box.


Audioholic Slumlord
I don't think that they lit up in my house, but they are smoking right outside of where they have the door and windows wide open. I did check to see if one was holding a cigarette, though, because it smelled so strong.
I have it on good authority that it was this guy:



Audioholic Jedi
My dog is dreaming and barking right now. I think that she's ripping that tiler a new one. Well, that's what I'm daydreaming about, anyway.


Audioholic Jedi
Local weather just mentioned our first freeze warning for tonight, but gave a low of 37 for my area. Tough to call, as the washes and desert areas here get significantly cooler than the more developed areas.

I'll go cover the pipes outside just to be safe. Only takes a few minutes.


Audioholic Samurai
I had a boring idea that probably wouldn't work, but, is kind of interesting.

What if someone wrote a website/script that recommended speakers based on an online database of voters? Like people could go here and go through a series of questions...Budget? How often do you listen to music versus watch movies? What kind of music do you like? Where is this system going? How big is the room and how close are you going to be seated? Are you married/do you have a live in girlfriend? Would you be comfortible ordering from an internet retailer? Where are you located? How loud do you listen (quietly, moderate, loud, painful)?

Maybe even extend it to recommend well paired equipment (meaning if they select 4-ohm speakers the script will filter out any amplifiers that aren't 4-ohm rated, etc).

On the other end of people getting recommendations, could be a community that maintains the site like Wikipedia. Because the job would be too big and biased for one team, it would have to be a community.

I know there is that speaker review site, but that one you have to know what your looking for in order to find anything on it.


Audioholic Jedi
A speaker recommending script. That's a great idea right therzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.



Audioholic Jedi
The tiling is done. Woohoo! I haven't been able to inspect it, yet, as I'm not supposed to walk on it until tomorrow morning (the thinset is dry, but the groat needs more time). So, perhaps it will need touch up, but from a big-picture-and-ignore-the-details view, it looks really nice.

One thing, though, is that the groat looks significantly whiter than what I picked out. I'll need to go get the color sample that I picked and compare it. The point of the groat was to not stand out, but this stuff kinda stands out.


Audioholic Jedi
Wow. Just wow. Almost 27 hours without a post in this thread.

I feel sad.


Audioholic Jedi
I thought I killed this thread with my last post. :eek::p
:D Nah. That was a good post. Those USB camcorders are cool. I was just too stressed about my tile to get around to replying.

Tile looks good in general, but I'll have the contractor boss come out and look at some stuff. They messed up more of my walls than I originally thought (nothing major, but several annoying things), plus they left some non-trivial marks in some tiles when they put my appliances back (and they were paid to move the appliances, so it was part of the job).


:D Nah. That was a good post. Those USB camcorders are cool. I was just too stressed about my tile to get around to replying.

Tile looks good in general, but I'll have the contractor boss come out and look at some stuff. They messed up more of my walls than I originally thought (nothing major, but several annoying things), plus they left some non-trivial marks in some tiles when they put my appliances back (and they were paid to move the appliances, so it was part of the job).
We ended up not doing the floor and instead had a professional come out and clean the carpets. We are putting the house on the market in the next couple of months and just didn't feel like getting into more debt on a house we aren't going to be in much longer.

We stand to make a good profit on the house anyways.


Audioholic Jedi
We ended up not doing the floor and instead had a professional come out and clean the carpets. We are putting the house on the market in the next couple of months and just didn't feel like getting into more debt on a house we aren't going to be in much longer.
That's a great plan. As long as the floors look nice enough, it's better to save the money. After all, potential buyers might not like the new floors. Sometimes a flooring allowance is a better route to take (if you need to). For me, I'd have to do something even if I was selling - my floors were just bad.


That's a great plan. As long as the floors look nice enough, it's better to save the money. After all, potential buyers might not like the new floors. Sometimes a flooring allowance is a better route to take (if you need to). For me, I'd have to do something even if I was selling - my floors were just bad.
The carpet cleaner said our carpet is great quality but the padding underneath doesn't seem to be the best. He showed us where it had creased in a couple high traffic areas. We may have to do the flooring allowance depending on where we price the house at.
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